Saudi Arabia

Saudi to distribute $493m to social security beneficiaries

11 May 2020; MEMO: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman today ordered the distribution of “Ramadan Aid” worth 1.85 billion riyal ($492.6 million) for social security beneficiaries, the state news agency reported.

Providers of families will get 1,000 riyals ($267) each while family members will get 500 riyals ($133) each.

With curfews in place, oil prices at new lows and pilgrimage cancelled, the Saudi economy is suffering its worst slump in decades.

Saudi-led coalition denies deporting 800 Somalis to Yemen

RIYADH, May 10 (Xinhua) -- The Saudi-led coalition on Sunday rejected as "baseless" the allegation of the Houthis militia that the kingdom deported 800 Somalis to Yemen, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

Instead, Turki Al Maliki, the coalition spokesman, accused the Houthis of forcefully deporting more than 8,000 Africans, including children and women, from Yemen to Saudi borders in April.

Saudi Arabia had provided the deportees with the required aid, he noted.

US pulling Patriot missile batteries from Saudi Arabia

WASHINGTON, May 8 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The US is pulling out four of its powerful Patriot missile systems from Saudi Arabia, after determining the threat from Iran that sparked an arms buildup in the region last year had waned, a Defense Department official said.

Two of the anti-missile batteries deployed following the September attacks on Saudi oil installations “are now leaving,” the official said on condition of anonymity.

Saudi installs sterilisation gates in Makkah, Madinah

7 May 2020; MEMO: Saudi has installed “advanced self-sterilisation gates” at the entrances of the grand mosques in Makkah and Madinah in an effort to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

According to Saudi24, the move is part of the government’s “Together Guarded” initiative which has seen precautionary measures put in place since the pandemic hit the kingdom’s shores.

Saudi Arabia To Cut Expenditures To Ease Economic Impact Of COVID-19

RIYADH, May 3 (NNN-SPA) – Saudi Finance Minister, Mohammed al-Jadaan, said that, his country “must reduce expenditures” to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Saudi Arabia is committed to protecting itself from the economic fallout of COVID-19 through any necessary financial measures, despite plunging oil revenues,” he said, in an interview with Al Arabiya TV.

The minister said that, the kingdom would limit the amount of money it would take from its reserves to a maximum of 32 billion dollars.

Less than 20 Saudi princes infected by coronavirus

1 May 2020; MEMO: Less than 20 princes have contracted the novel coronavirus, the former Saudi intelligence chief, Turki Al-Faisal, announced yesterday.

Al-Faisal comments came in an article entitled “Coronavirus thoughts” in response to a recent report by the New York Times about infected Saudi royals.

Saudi Arabia to end execution for crimes committed by minors

27 April 2020; MEMO: Saudi Arabia will abolish the death penalty imposed on those who committed crimes while still minors, the kingdom’s Human Rights Commission has announced.

In a statement published yesterday, president of the state-backed commission Awwad Alawwad said: “The decree helps us in establishing a more modern penal code.”

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