Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia imposes 24-hour curfew in holy cities

RIYADH, April 3 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Saudi Arabia extended curfew restrictions on Islam’s two holiest cities to 24 hours to stem the spread of Coronavirus as the number of deaths from the disease rose to 21.

The announcement comes amid uncertainty over the hajj which is due to take place at the end of July, after authorities this week urged Muslims to temporarily defer preparations for the annual pilgrimage.

G20 finance ministers agree on delivering roadmap in response to COVID-19

RIYADH, March 31 (Xinhua) -- The G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors agreed Tuesday on delivering a roadmap in response to the novel coronavirus.

The ministers met on Tuesday through a virtual meeting following the Extraordinary G20 Leaders' Summit held on March 26, a statement by the G20 Saudi secretariat said.

Saudi to raise oil exports to 10.6mn barrels per day despite coronavirus crisis

31 Mar 2020; MEMO: Saudi Arabia announced yesterday it will increase its crude oil exports starting from May, despite the coronavirus pandemic, a Saudi Arabia Energy Ministry official said yesterday.

This decision comes amid an escalating price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia after the coronavirus pandemic has lowered demand for oil all over the world.

Crude oil is at its lowest price since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1991.

G20 finance ministers to hold virtual talks on coronavirus crisis

Riyadh, Mar 31 (AFP/PTI) Finance ministers and central bankers of the Group of 20 major economies will hold a second round of virtual talks Tuesday to push ahead the coronavirus response, the Saudi hosts said.

G20 leaders last week pledged a "united front" in the fight against the pandemic, saying they were injecting 5 trillion into the global economy to head off forecasts of a deep recession.

Saudi Arabia: More Than 2,500 Persons Leave 14-Day Hospital Facilities With Negative Tests Of COVID-19

RIYADH, Mar 31 (NNN-SPA) – The Ministry of Health affirmed that more than 2,500 cases left health facilities after 14 days, adding that, their COVID-19 tests were negative.

In a statement, the ministry disclosed that, the cases completed all required medical procedures and examinations, amid follow-up of integrated medical cadres, including doctors, specialists and nurses.

Missiles intercepted above Saudi city Riyadh and Jazan

30 Mar 2020; MEMO: Ballistic missiles were intercepted on Saturday in the sky above Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh and the southern city of Jazan, Reuters reported citing Saudi state media and the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen.

Residents in Riyadh reported multiple blasts around 2320 (2020 GMT), followed by emergency vehicle sirens in some northern districts.

Saudi state news agency (SPA) claimed the missiles were launched by Yemen’s Houthi militia.

Saudi Arabian Airlines will begin exceptional commercial flights this week to bring British nationals and their families back to the United Kingdom, and similar flights are being arranged for US citizens to return home, both countries said, Reuters report

29 Mar 2020; MEMO: Saudi Arabian Airlines will begin exceptional commercial flights this week to bring British nationals and their families back to the United Kingdom, and similar flights are being arranged for US citizens to return home, both countries said, Reuters reports.

Flights to London Heathrow will begin on Sunday from Riyadh and later in the week from Jeddah and Dammam, according to a British Embassy e-mail sent late on Friday. A second Riyadh flight is also expected.

2 injured in missile debris in Riyadh

RIYADH, March 29 (Xinhua) -- Saudi Civil Defense announced on Sunday that two civilians in Riyadh sustained minor injuries by the falling of debris of an intercepted missile shot by Yemen's Houthis.

The Civil Defence Spokesperson Mohammed Al-Hammadi said in a statement on the Saudi Press Agency that the civilians were slightly injured due to the falling of the intercepted missile's debris as it exploded in mid-air over residential districts.

Expat with coronavirus could face death penalty for spitting in shopping trolleys in Saudi Arabia

27 Mar 2020; MEMO: The Saudi public prosecution said on Wednesday that an expatriate worker could face the death penalty for intentionally spitting on shopping carts in a mall last week despite knowing that he has the coronavirus, reported Gulf News.

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