Middle East & North Africa

Israel's killing of journalist is a challenge for the ICC, legal expert says

28 June 2022; MEMO: The murder of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by Israeli occupation forces had put the International Criminal Court (ICC) ahead of a big challenge, a legal expert said yesterday.

"Silence of the ICC's Public Prosecutor and his inaction to get the evidence and ask Israel to hand over the murderers is something strange," the legal expert said in a paper prepared by Jordanian international law specialist Mustafa Nasrallah.

UAE army officer to study at Israel military college

27 June 2022; MEMO: A senior Emirati officer from the UAE army will be joining the Israel National Defence College next year, to train under the Israeli military for 10 months, Arab48.com reported today.

The officer, a graduate of the College of National Security in the Emirates, which is run according to the American curriculum, enrolled after UAE President, Mohammed Bin Zayed, granted his approval.

Israel: Roman period mosaic found near Tel Aviv

27 June 2022; MEMO: An exceptionally well-preserved Roman floor mosaic, showing a rich variety of fish, animals, birds and ships, has returned to the site where it was first found in a Tel Aviv suburb after a decade-long tour of some of the world's top museums, Reuters reports.

The 1,700 year-old mosaic from the late Roman period, was discovered in 1996 during highway construction work, but was not put on display until 2009, when sufficient funding to preserve it was donated.

WFP further cuts food aid to Yemen, causing millions more Yemenis to starve

Millions more Yemenis are predicted to be at risk of starvation later this year, after the World Food Programme (WFP) announced further cuts to its food aid in Yemen.

The WFP made the announcement in a Twitter post yesterday, stating that "Critical funding gaps, global inflation and the knock-on effects of the war in Ukraine have forced WFP in Yemen to make some extremely tough decisions about the support we provide to our beneficiaries".

African Union calls for probe after dozens die at Morocco-Spain land border

27 June 2022; MEMO: African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat, called late Sunday for an "immediate investigation" after the deaths of dozens of migrants trying to cross from Morocco into the Spanish exclave of Melilla.

"I express my deep shock and concern at the violent and degrading treatment of African migrants attempting to cross an international border from #Morocco into #Spain, with the ensuing violence leading to the deaths of at least 23 people and injuries to many more," Mahamat said on Twitter.

Israel to work with world powers to shape any Iran nuclear deal: Gantz

27 June 2022; MEMO: Israel will work with world powers to have an impact on any deal that may emerge from their nuclear negotiations with Iran, Israeli Defence Minister, Benny Gantz, said on Monday, Reuters reports.

Iran and the United States are expected to return to indirect talks in the coming days, amid a push by the European Union to break a months-long impasse in the negotiations to reinstate a 2015 nuclear pact.

Libya says it may suspend oil exports from key terminals

27 June 2022; MEMO: Libya's state oil company said it may suspend exports from the Gulf of Sirte, which contains many of the OPEC member's main ports, in the next three days amid a worsening political crisis, Bloomberg reports.

According to the report, the National Oil Corp said it could declare force majeure, a clause in contracts allowing shipments to be halted within 72 hours, according to a statement on Monday.

The Gulf of Sirte includes the exports terminals of Es Sider, Ras Lanuf, Brega and Zueitina.

Iran: Major steel company halts production after being hit by cyber attack

27 June 2022; MEMO: A major Iranian steel company has been forced to shut down production after it was hit by a cyber attack, in what is the latest of a series of attacks on Iranian sites in recent months.

According to Iranian media, the state-owned Khuzestan Steel Company said that experts had determined that its steel plant halt production until further notice "due to technical problems".

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