Human Rights

Kuwaiti MP calls for probing “Hindutva” doctors treating Arab petients

Kuwait City; 09 June 2020 (UMMN): A powerful parliamentarian in Kuwait has called for probing “Hindu doctors and nurses” to check if they are killing Arab Muslims by wrong medication.

In a tweet, Member of Kuwaiti National Assembly Mohammad Haif Al Mutairi urged his country’s Health Minister to immediately halt all health services-related contracts with India.

Bernie Sanders: Any plans to illegally annex any part of the West Bank must be stopped

08 June 2020; MEMO: Former US presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders yesterday called Israel’s plans to annex parts of the occupied West Bank “illegal” and urged for action to be taken to stop them.

In a recorded message aired during a rally against the annexation plans in Tel Aviv, Sanders said: “It has never been more important to fight for justice, and stand up for the future we all deserve.”

India: Unplanned lockdown left millions of migrant workers empty-handed; govt should give Rs 25,000 to each: Irudaya Rajan

Mumbai, Jun 7 (PTI) The unplanned nationwide lockdown has forced millions of migrants to return home empty-handed and the government should make a direct cash transfer of Rs 25,000 to each of them to salvage the situation, according to S Irudaya Rajan, an expert on migrant issues.

There are more than 600 million migrants in the country and out of them, at least 140 million are in major cities alone, he said.

Ram temple construction to begin on demolished mosque land on June 10

Ayodhya, June 8 (PTI): The construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya is set to begin Wednesday when the first bricks will be laid for its foundation, according to a spokesperson for the head of the temple trust.

The event will be marked by prayers to Lord Shiva at the Kuber Tila shrine on the Ram Janmabhoomi site, allocated for the temple in a historic Supreme Court verdict last November.

US unrest: Peaceful protests continue as National Guard troops leave Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES, June 8 (NNN-Xinhua) — Thousands of people in California on Sunday took part in the 11th straight day of peaceful protests over the death of African American man George Floyd in police custody while the National Guard troops are leaving Los Angeles, the second largest city of the United States.

Somaliland frees prominent journalist after presidential pardon

HARGEISA, June 8 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The self-declared republic of Somaliland has freed controversial Somali journalist Abdimalik Muse Oldon following a presidential amnesty.

Oldon had been behind bars for more than 13 months. He was found guilty of defamation and spreading false news by a court in Hargeisa in July 2019 and sentenced to three and half years in prison.

He has repeatedly denied all the charges and his lawyers termed the judgement as injustice.

Israel airliner uses Sudan’s airspace, while another flight lands for the first time

07 June 2020; MEMO: An Israeli El Al Airlines airplane flying from Buenos Aires crossed through Sudan’s airspace on Thursday, the first commercial Israeli airliner to do so, according to The Times of Israel, as a potential indication of improving relations between Israel and Sudan.

Russia: 'US should leave Syria and deal with its internal crisis'

07 June 2020; MEMO: The Russian Foreign Ministry has strongly responded to US remarks about the Middle East, describing them as “crazy”, news agencies reported on Friday.

US Assistant Secretary of State David Schenker announced on Thursday that Russia should “go out” of Syria as it has played a “destructive” role there.

Palestinian leadership to make Israel pay price of its occupation

07 June 2020; MEMO: Secretary of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)’s Executive Committee Saeb Erekat announced on Friday that the Palestinian leadership took the necessary measures to make Israel pay the price of 53 years of occupation, a statement disclosed.

In a statement sent to media marking the 53rd anniversary of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, Erekat noted that the Palestinian leadership terminated the deals which had been practically cancelled by Israel.

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