Human Rights

UK amends status of Israel and Jerusalem following pressure from pro-Israel lobby

21 Nov 2020; MEMO: The UK government has responded to pressure from the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Conservative Friends of Israel by listing Israel and occupied Jerusalem together as one country in its weekly update to COVID-19 related travel corridors.

Israel bars Palestinians from Al-Aqsa for Friday prayer

20 Nov 2020; MEMO: Israeli police on Friday prevented hundreds of Palestinian residents of the occupied West Bank from reaching Al-Aqsa Mosque to perform Friday prayer, Anadolu Agency reports.

According to an Anadolu Agency correspondent, Israeli police stopped worshipers from the West Bank at checkpoints at the entrances to the Old City in Jerusalem and allowed only a very small number of them to reach Al-Aqsa Mosque after identity checks.

EU criticises 'dire condition' of human rights in Bahrain

21 Nov 2020; MEMO: High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell has pledged to use all possible means to continue improving human rights in Bahrain, The New Khalij news website reported on Friday.

Borrell's remarks came in a statement in which he replied to a letter sent by MEPs regarding the "dire condition" of human rights in Bahrain.

US Resolution calling for an end to forced disappearance introduced in US House

Washington, Nov 21 (PTI) Two powerful American lawmakers have introduced a resolution in the US House of Representatives that calls for an end to enforced disappearances in Asia and the world and supports justice and accountability for the victims, including Tamils in Sri Lanka and Uyghur Muslims in China.

Introduced by Congressmen Brad Sherman and Jamie Raskin, the House resolution also calls upon the United States to ratify the 'International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance'.

India: Delhi's Lady Sri Ram College to reduce fee after student commits suicide

New Delhi, Nov 21 (PTI) Following the suicide of a student allegedly over financial constraints, the Lady Sri Ram College has announced reduction in fee for a few courses, setting up a committee to provide laptops and allowed some second-year students to reside in hostels.

"Given the fact that students are not able to avail certain facilities of the college due to being off-campus, the college has removed such charges from the fees this year. This has led to a substantial reduction in the fee. In addition, it is possible to pay the fee in installments.

At UN, Pakistan’s resolution reaffirming peoples’ self-determination right adopted unanimously

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 20 (APP): With Pakistan calling it a ‘beacon of hope’, a key committee of the United Nations General Assembly Thursday unanimously adopted a resolution reaffirming the right to self-determination for people who are subjected to colonial, foreign and alien occupation.

Co-sponsored by 71 countries, the resolution, submitted by Pakistan, was adopted without a vote in the 193-member Assembly’s Third Committee, which deals with Social, humanitarian and cultural issues.

Egypt arrests executive director of prominent rights group in latest crackdown

20 Nov 2020; MEMO: A prominent Egyptian rights group said security agents arrested its executive director on Thursday, days after two other senior members were detained under charges including joining a terrorist group, Reuters reports.

"e was detained by security forces from his home in Maadi and taken to an unknown location," the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) tweeted late on Thursday.

Pelestine: Jewish settlers place candelabrum on Ibrahimi Mosque roof

20 Nov 2020; MEMO: Jewish settlers on Wednesday placed a large candelabrum on the rooftop of the Ibrahimi Mosque in occupied Hebron, south of the occupied West Bank, to mark a Jewish occasion, the Palestinian Information Centre reported.

Manager of the Ibrahimi Mosque Hafdhi Abu Sneineh denounced the practice by the settlers as an act of aggression and provocation against the Muslim nation, stressing that the Ibrahimi Mosque is an Islamic holy site.

BDS condemns Washington's anti-Semitism accusations

20 Nov 2020; MEMO: The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has condemned the statements of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in which he described the movement as "anti-Semitic".

"The administration of US President Donald Trump is trying to discredit the movement," the BDS movement announced in a press release, of which Anadolu Agency received a copy.

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