Human Rights

Israel’s total siege of Gaza ‘prohibited’ by international law, UN says

10 October 2023; MEMO: Israel’s total siege of the Gaza Strip, depriving civilians of goods essential for survival, is banned under international law, the United Nations Human Rights chief said on Tuesday, Reuters reports.

According to the report, Volker Turk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said people’s dignity and lives had to be respected as he called for all sides to defuse the “explosive powder-keg situation.”

Rights group warns of 'sharp rise' in violence against Palestinians by Israel settlers

06 October 2023; MEMO: An international human rights organisation warned, on Thursday, of a “sharp increase” in violence by Israeli settlers in the Occupied Palestinian Territories “under the political cover of the government Israel”, Anadolu Agency reports.

Palestine PM calls for international intervention to stop Israeli settlers' terrorism

07 October 2023; MEMO: Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh called on Friday for international intervention to stop what he described as “terrorism” committed by settlers in the West Bank, while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for prosecuting an Israeli minister due to his “racist” statements.

Shtayyeh’s call came in statements conveyed by government spokesperson Ibrahim Melhem, a copy of which Anadolu Agency received.

‘Israelis spitting on Christians is an old Jewish tradition’; Ben Gvir

05 October 2023; MEMO: Israel's minister in charge of crime and policing, Itamar Ben-Gvir, has said it's not a crime for Israeli Jews to spit on Christians.

The Jewish holiday of Sukkot saw an increase in abuses on Christians by Israelis according to Christian leaders in Jerusalem.

Spitting on people of a minority religion would be considered a hate crime in most countries, but for the Israeli government it is simply 'an old Jewish tradition'.

Anglican Church of Southern Africa declares Israel to be apartheid state

04 October 2023; MEMO: The Anglican Church of Southern Africa (ACSA) has declared Israel to be an apartheid state, in comments that appear to be a rebuke for Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. Last month, the 67-year-old head of the worldwide Anglican communion refused to describe Israel as an apartheid state, brushing aside the broad consensus within the human rights community and a wealth of evidenc

Canadian allegations against India ‘serious’, need to be fully investigated: US

Washington, Oct 4 (PTI) The Canadian allegations regarding India’s involvement in the killing of a pro-Khalistan separatist are "serious" and need to be investigated fully, the White House has said.

Hardeep Singh Nijjar, the chief of the banned Khalistan Tiger Force (KTF), was killed in Surrey, British Columbia on June 18. India had designated Nijjar as a terrorist in 2020.

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