Human Rights

11 people die of hunger each minute around the globe: Oxfam

Cairo, Jul 9 (AP-PTI) The anti-poverty organisation Oxfam says 11 people die of hunger each minute and that the number facing famine-like conditions around the globe has increased six times over the last year.

In a report titled The Hunger Virus Multiplies," Oxfam said Thursday that the death toll from famine outpaces that of COVID-19, which kills around seven people per minute.

Israel clears lands belonging to endowment department near Al-Aqsa Mosque

08 July 2021; MEMO: Bulldozers belonging to the Israel Nature and Parks Authority stormed land owned by the Islamic Endowments in Al-Suwaneh neighbourhood, in the centre of occupied Jerusalem, yesterday and began bulldozing it.

Sources in Jerusalem reported that the land is at the Wadi Al-Joz junction, next to the Al-Jallad family's house, in an area close to the eastern wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Israel destroys house of prisoner, leave mother and 3 kids homeless

08 July 2021; MEMO: Israeli occupation forces this morning destroyed the house of Palestinian prisoner Muntaser Shalaby, in the village of Turmus Ayya in the northwest of Ramallah.

Eyewitnesses said a large number of Israeli occupation troops raided the village at night and an Israeli army engineering unit planted explosives in the house.

Following the demolition, scores of Palestinians protested against the presence and actions of occupation forces in the village.

Italy activists launch campaign to boycott holidays in Egypt amid alarming forcible disappearances

08 July 2021; MEMO: Italian activists have launched a campaign urging people not to go on holiday to Egypt in protest against the regime's unchecked, systematic forcible disappearance of dissidents.

In September last year the Egyptian Commission for Human Rights said that there had been some 2,723 forcible disappearances in just five years.

Israel orders demolition of Palestinian homes in West Bank village

07 July 2021; MEMO: Israeli authorities today ordered the demolition of Palestinian homes in the village of Hamsa Al-Fawqa in the northern Jordan Valley, northeast of the occupied West Bank.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Moataz Basharat, a senior official who monitors Israeli settlement activities, said occupation forces stormed Hamsa Al-Fawqa village and have so far demolished and confiscated three houses. The demolition process is ongoing.

Israel razes Palestinian village for the 190th time

07 July 2021; MEMO: Israeli authorities today demolished for the 190th time the Arab Bedouin village of Al-Araqeeb in the southern Negev region.

"The Israeli authorities demolished the Al-Araqeeb village for the 190th time," Aziz Al-Touri, a member of the Committee for the Defence of Al-Araqeeb, told Anadolu Agency. This is the eighth time the village has been levelled this year.

Israel reiterates rebuilding Gaza subject to release of its nationals

07 July 2021; MEMO: Israel yesterday renewed its condition that the reconstruction of Gaza will only take place following the release of four Israeli prisoners of war it believes are being held there, Anadolu reported.

"Rebuilding the Gaza Strip is conditioned on the release of four Israelis lost or detained in Gaza," Haim Regev, an official at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the UN Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC).

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