Human Rights

Another massive pro-Palestine rally in London slams Israeli bombing of Gaza

29 October 2023; MEMO: Tens of thousands of people once again held a massive pro-Palestine rally in the British capital on Saturday amid intensifying attacks on Gaza.

Chanting pro-Palestinian slogans, people gathered in Embankment and later held a march towards Parliament Square with Palestinian flags.

As the Israeli attacks on Gaza intensified, the protesters called for an immediate cease-fire, criticizing the British government for its support to Israel.

UN says 59 of its staff killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7

30 October 2023; MEMO: The United Nations Sunday announced that 59 employees of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) have been killed in Gaza due to Israeli attacks since October 7, reports Anadolu Agency.

According to a statement posted on UNRWA’s social media account X, a memorial ceremony was held to honor the UNRWA employees who lost their lives in the attacks on Gaza.

Algeria: Palestinians are not terrorists, they are defending their land

30 October 2023; MEMO: Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said that the Palestinians are not terrorists, they are defending their land and legitimate rights.

Tebboune added yesterday that the killings taking place in Gaza are war crimes and crimes against humanity.

‘If war continues, it will boomerang on warmongers too’ says Iran's FM

New York, IRNA – Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has issued a stern warning against the ongoing war between Palestine and the Zionist regime, cautioning that if the war persists, it could have severe repercussions for those instigating the conflict.

Amirabdollahian made his remarks before departing New York for Tehran late on Friday. He had flown to New York on Wednesday to attend the international consultations about the regional developments and the situation in Palestine.

Israel is an occupying state, Palestinian people have right to resist it; Iran FM

27 October 2023; MEMO: Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told the United Nations yesterday that for three weeks the world has witnessed war crimes and genocide being committed by the Israeli occupation in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

Rights groups affirm Gaza death toll amid Biden’s ‘dehumanising’ scepticism

27 October 2023; MEMO: Remarks by President Joe Biden expressing scepticism about the rising death toll in Gaza have drawn outrage from human rights groups and accusations of further dehumanising Palestinians.

Human Rights Watch has strongly rejected claims that the death toll released by the Gaza Health Ministry cannot be trusted, following comments by Israel and the US President.

China is communicating with all parties of Gaza conflict

27 October 2023; MEMO: China, on Friday, refused to give a clear response to whether Beijing will hold talks with the Palestinian Resistance group, Hamas, Anadolu Agency reports.

"China is in communication with all parties concerned in the Palestinian issue" said Mao Ning, spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

International medical team has arrived in Gaza, says Red Cross

27 October 2023; MEMO: The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) announced, on Friday, the entry of an international medical team into Gaza, along with six trucks loaded with medical materials and water purification supplies to support medical care in the blockaded Strip, Anadolu Agency reports.

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