Human Rights

'We will not forget', Turkish first lady says on 27th anniversary of Srebrenica genocide

11 July 2022; MEMO: It was humanity, conscience, and compassion that was buried in Srebrenica 27 years ago, Turkey's first lady said on Monday, the 27th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, Anadolu Agency reports.

"We will not forget either the cry of the Bosniak mothers nor the children who watched the murderous expulsion of their fathers. I commemorate our brothers and sisters who lost their lives in the genocide with mercy," Emine Erdogan said.

Pakistan: TV anchor Imran Riaz released, days after arrest in capital

Lahore, Jul 10 (AP-PTI) A prominent Pakistani TV anchorperson was released Saturday following his arrest earlier this week near Islamabad and after a high court granted him bail in one case and dismissed other cases against him, a government attorney said.

Imran Riaz Khan was taken into custody on Tuesday even though weeks earlier a court in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, had ordered police not to arrest him and several other journalists over complaints accusing them of inciting hatred against the country's powerful military.

Palestine: Family of slained journalist Shireen Abu Akleh asks to meet with Biden

09 July 2022; MEMO: The family of slain Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh has accused the United States of providing impunity for Israel over her killing and asked to meet President Joe Biden in person during his trip to Israel next week, reports Reuters.

Israel soldier detained after looting Palestinian property during nightly raid

07 July 2022; MEMO: An Israeli soldier was arrested by the military on Tuesday after looting property belonging to Palestinians during a nightly raid near Hebron, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit announced yesterday.

The army said that the arrest was made during a military investigation of looting from Palestinian homes by soldiers in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron.

Jordan club pulls out of UAE championship over Israel participation

07 July 2022; MEMO: Jordan's Wihdat sports club said yesterday it would not participate in an international handball competition in the United Arab Emirates because of the participation of an Israeli team.

The competition is slated to be held 18-28 July in the UAE's Al-Ain, with Arab, Asian and African handball clubs taking part.

"Officially, the Wihdat club announces that will not participate in the Al-Ain handball championship,  #no_normalization," the club said on Twitter.

EU warns of 'worst Palestinian displacement in decades'

08 July 2022; MEMO: The European Union yesterday warned of the "possible" displacement of Palestinians from the West Bank as Israel continues to force residents out of Masafer Yatta following a court ruling.

Touring Masafer Yatta in the occupied West Bank, EU Ambassador to the occupied Palestinian territories, Sven Kuehn von Burgsdorff, warned: "If mass evictions and forcible transfer were to be the case, that would be the biggest forcible transfer for decades." He added that he was "concerned about the situation."

Tunisia: 2 judges join hunger strike over judicial purge

07 July 2022; MEMO: The Tunisian Judges Association announced yesterday that two judges have joined three of their colleagues who have been on hunger strike for two weeks in rejection of President Kais Saied's dismissal of 57 of their peers, Anadolu news agency reported.

The body criticised the "continued closure of prospects for dialogue with the executive authority, despite repeated demands."

Syrian, Ukrainian refugees should receive same treatment, says UN's Syria commission chair

06 July 2022; MEMO: The UN Syria Commission chair Paulo Pinheiro has said that Syrian and Ukrainian refugees should receive the same treatment.

"There is an openness and generosity vis-a-vis the Ukraine that I don't criticise at all. They deserved it. But I would very much like that the same treatment will be applied to the Syrian refugees," Pinheiro said in an interview with Euronews.

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