
Lebanon won maritime dispute with Israel, claims Hezbollah

17 October 2022; MEMO: Lebanon has won its dispute with Israel over the disputed maritime border, the head of Hezbollah's political council, Ibrahim Amin Al-Sayyed, claimed yesterday.

"Thanks to the resistance and the unified national stance," Al-Sayyed told Russia Today, "Lebanon has won the dispute about the border and its undersea resources without needing to go to war."

Amnesty International urges Lebanon to stop involuntary return of Syria refugees

15 October 2022; MEMO: Amnesty International has called on the Lebanese authorities on Friday to stop implementing a plan to involuntarily return Syrian refugees to their country after statements were made by officials to resume their deportation in batches starting next week.

Lebanon MP sanctioned by US says he played behind-the-scenes role in border talks

13 October 2022; MEMO: A leading Lebanese politician who is sanctioned by the United States said on Thursday he played a behind-the-scenes role in US-brokered talks to delineate Lebanon's maritime boundary with Israel by liaising with Hezbollah, Reuters reports.

Gebran Bassil, a Christian Member of Parliament and former minister, was sanctioned in 2020 for alleged corruption and material support to Hezbollah but denies the accusations.

Lebanon: UNESCO to rehabilitate iconic Sursock Palace damaged by Beirut blasts

BEIRUT, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Thursday announced that it has reached an agreement with the Swiss government and the Sursock Palace Association to finance the rehabilitation of the Sursock Palace, an iconic building damaged by the Beirut port blasts two years ago.

"The Sursock Palace is a gem of Lebanese architecture and a powerful symbol of pride and resilience for the Beirut community, " UNESCO's Director General Audrey Azoulay said in a statement.

Lebanon parliament fails to elect new president over lack of quorum

BEIRUT, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- The Lebanese parliament on Thursday failed for the second time in a month to elect a new head of state as President Michel Aoun's term is about to end in about two weeks.

House Speaker Nabih Berri announced the postponement of the election session to Oct. 20 after the parliament failed to secure a quorum for the election, according to the Lebanese National News Agency.

Only 71 out of 128 members of parliament (MPs) attended Thursday's session, while 86 Mps, or about two-thirds of the parliament, are needed to meet the quorum.

Lebanon’s president approves historic Israel sea border deal

BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun said Thursday that the cash-strapped country has approved a U.S.-mediated maritime border deal with Israel.

Lebanon and Israel both claim around 860 square kilometers (330 square miles) of the Mediterranean Sea that are home to offshore gas fields.

The agreement to demarcate the maritime border comes after months of talks mediated by senior U.S. official Amos Hochstein, and would mark a major breakthrough in relations between the two countries, which have formally been at war since Israel’s creation in 1948.

Hezbollah to 'remain vigilant' amid Israel-Lebanon maritime border deal

12 October 2022; MEMO: The Lebanese Resistance Movement, Hezbollah, says it will not recognise any maritime border deal between the government and Israel until it is officially signed.

Yesterday, Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, said that until an agreement is finalised, Hezbollah "will remain vigilant".

"The pending hours are fateful. As the people of Lebanon, we are awaiting (declaration of) an official position on the part of our President and the Zionist enemy," he said.

Lebanon to begin returning Syrians back to war-torn country; Prez Aoun

12 October 2022; MEMO: Lebanese President, Michel Aoun, announced Wednesday that his country will start returning Syrian refugees to areas controlled by the Syrian regime of Bashar Al-Assad at the end of next week.

In statements published by the Lebanese Presidency on Twitter, Aoun said "starting next week, the process of returning the displaced Syrians will begin in batches to their country".

Lebanon: Maritime border deal does not mean normalising relations with Israel: Lebanon Progressive Socialist Party

12 October 2022; MEMO: The Progressive Socialist Party in Lebanon headed by Druze leader, Walid Jumblatt, said Wednesday that reaching an agreement to resolve the maritime border dispute with Israel "does not, in any way, constitute an entry into the path of normalisation with the enemy".

The Progressive Socialist Party urged, in a statement, all political forces in Lebanon and the concerned authorities to embark on serious and persistent work to invest in this achievement "away from brokering" and "side deal".

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