
Two Italian EMA inspectors to oversee Sputnik V production facilities in Russia

ROME, March 1. /TASS/: Two Italian specialists will travel to Russia to inspect the factories producing the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine, the Lazzaro Spallanzani National Institute for Infectious Diseases Director Professor Francesco Vaia told Corriere Della Sera.

"We have just vaccinated two Italian inspectors in our hospital, who will travel to Moscow to oversee the standards of production of the Sputnik V vaccine," the expert said.

Italy's G20 presidency gets underway, ministers agree to continue coronavirus stimulus efforts

ROME, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- The top finance officials from the world's major economies have emerged from Friday's summit with agreement to commit to a more multilateral process aimed at stemming the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and sparking global economic growth.

Friday's virtual summit of finance ministers and central bank governors was the first major event of Italy's year-long presidency of the Group of 20, or G20, a forum representing the world's major economies.

Vatican wants Iraq to provide Pope protection during his visit

18 Feb 2021; MEMO: The Undersecretary of Iraqi Foreign Ministry Nizar Al-Khair Al-Sayed said yesterday that the Vatican wishes Iraqi authorities to provide protection for Pope Francis during his visit to the country next month, adding that he wishes to arrive onboard an Iraqi airplane.

Italy's new PM Draghi wins Senate confidence vote

ROME, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- Newly sworn-in Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi won a confidence vote in the Senate on Wednesday night.

Draghi's government was supported by a vote of 262-40 with two abstentions in the Senate.

In a speech prior to the vote, Draghi outlined his government program going forward.

"The main duty we are called on to fulfill is to fight the pandemic with every means at our disposal," Draghi said. "The virus is everyone's enemy."

Italy's Draghi sworn in as prime minister of unity government

ROME (Reuters) - The Italian president swore in the former chief of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, as prime minister on Saturday at the head of a unity government called on to confront the coronavirus crisis and economic slump.

All but one of Italy’s major parties have rallied to his side and his cabinet includes lawmakers from across the political spectrum, as well as technocrats in key posts, including the finance ministry and a new green transition portfolio.

Much now rests on Draghi’s shoulders.

Italy's Salvini says no vetoes after meeting with Draghi

ROME (Reuters) - Italy’s League leader Matteo Salvini said the right-wing party would decide next week whether to back a government led by Mario Draghi but common ground had emerged in discussions on Saturday.

“Unlike others we don’t think just saying no gets you anywhere ... the best interest of the country must come before any personal or party interest,” Salvini told reporters after meeting the former European Central Bank chief.

Italy's outgoing PM Conte signals support for PM-designate Draghi

ROME, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- Outgoing Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Thursday signaled his support for a government led by the prime minister-designate Mario Draghi.

In a brief statement to the press, Conte said that he met with Draghi on Wednesday in what he described as "a very long and very open talk."

"To those who say I am an obstacle to the formation of a new government, I say that clearly they don't know me," Conte continued.

Former ECB chief Draghi appointed to form Italy's new gov't

ROME, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- Former chief of European Central Bank (ECB) Mario Draghi was appointed to form Italy's new government, the office of President Sergio Mattarella said on Wednesday.

"This morning, the president of the Republic has received professor Mario Draghi, to whom he has assigned the task of forming a new government," Secretary-General of the Italian Presidency Ugo Zampetti told a press conference.

Italy's president calls in Draghi, political parties hesitate

ROME (Reuters) - Italian President Sergio Mattarella looks set to ask former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi to form a government of national unity to tackle the twin coronavirus and economic crises battering the country.

The head of state will receive Draghi at noon (1100 GMT) and will almost certainly give him a mandate to put together a high-profile administration that he hopes will win the backing of a broad sweep of parties in the fractured parliament.

Italy's PD stands by economy minister; president seeks continuity: sources

ROME (Reuters) - Italy’s co-ruling Democratic Party (PD) will not let Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri be shunted aside in any cabinet reshuffle that might arise from the ongoing government crisis, political sources said on Monday.

Separately, a source who had spoken with President Sergio Mattarella -- the man tasked with finding a solution to the turmoil -- said the head of state wanted “continuity” in the main ministries, including the economy, health and defence portfolios.

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