Italy's outgoing PM Conte signals support for PM-designate Draghi

Giuseppe Conte

ROME, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- Outgoing Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Thursday signaled his support for a government led by the prime minister-designate Mario Draghi.

In a brief statement to the press, Conte said that he met with Draghi on Wednesday in what he described as "a very long and very open talk."

"To those who say I am an obstacle to the formation of a new government, I say that clearly they don't know me," Conte continued.

"I have always worked and will continue to work... so that a new government may be formed that can tackle the ongoing health, economic and social emergencies," he said in reference to the coronavirus pandemic.

Conte went on to call for "a political government," meaning one with a solid backing in parliament.

Conte's statement was important because the Five Star Movement (M5S), which is one of the largest forces in parliament, is split over whether or not to support Draghi.

Draghi has started consultations with Italy's political parties after President Sergio Mattarella on Wednesday handed him a mandate to form a new government to steer the country through the pandemic.