
Russian citizen detained in Berlin on suspicion of murder

BERLIN, August 24. /TASS/. A Russian citizen has been detained in Berlin on Friday on suspicion of murder, the German prosecutor’s office informed on Twitter on Saturday.

The murdered man is a 40-year-old citizen of Georgia, the German officials informed. "We have discovered the weapon and the bike that the suspect allegedly used to escape," the prosecutor’s office stated. "A 49-year-old Russian citizen was detained yesterday in the area where the crime was committed. The prosecutor’s office issued an arrest warrant. The suspect is now in custody."

Hard Brexit threatens prosperity levels in European member states: Ifo

BERLIN, Aug. 23 (Xinhua) -- A hard Brexit would negatively affect prosperity levels among member states of the European Union (EU), a study published by the German Institute for Economic Research (Ifo) on Friday showed.

In Europe's largest economy Germany, prosperity levels are expected by the Ifo institute to decline by 0.72 percent as a consequence of a no-deal Brexit.

However, "a hard Brexit would impact different EU member states to varying degrees," said Marina Steininger, researcher at the German Ifo institute and co-author of the study.

Britain, Germany agree on Brexit with deal, differ on approaches

BERLIN, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the visiting British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday reiterated the Brexit with a deal, but were different in approaches.

In his first trip abroad since assuming office, Johnson called again for re-negotiations for the Brexit agreement between Britain and the European Union (EU) in order to avoid Britain leaving the bloc without a deal on Oct. 31.

Germany's Scholz picks eastern woman as running mate for SPD chair

BERLIN (Reuters) - German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz will run for the leadership of the Social Democrats (SPD) with a female colleague from the former communist east on a ticket that represents a commitment to the coalition with Angela Merkel’s conservatives.

The SPD, divided over whether it should remain in government, is searching for a new leader after Andrea Nahles quit in June in the wake of the party’s worst performance ever in May elections for the European Parliament.

German Finance Minister: Brexit deal will not be changed

BERLIN (Reuters) - German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said on Wednesday that Britain should not expect changes to the existing Brexit deal, adding that the situation had not changed with the change of government in Britain.

“We have prepared a treaty and nobody should expect any of its provisions to be changed,” Scholz told a news conference.

British PM Johnson urges Merkel to budge on Brexit

BERLIN (Reuters) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to tell German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday that unless she agrees to change the Brexit deal, Britain will leave the European Union on Oct. 31 without a deal.

More than three years after the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU, it is still unclear on what terms - or indeed whether - the bloc’s second largest economy will leave the club it joined in 1973.

Germany's far-right: Police to restructure as threat of extremism grows

19 August 2019; DW: Germany's federal criminal police agency wants to overhaul the structures it uses to fight far-right groups and hate crimes, media reports say. The organization sees a growing threat of militant extremism in the country.

Germany's Federal Criminal Police (BKA) wants to set up a new central unit to fight right-wing extremism and hate crimes, research conducted by German media outlets WDR, NDR and Süddeutsche Zeitung showed.    

Merkel successor denies urging ex-spy chief's ejection

18 August 2019; DW: The head of Germany's ruling Christian Democrats insists she has not called for ex-domestic intel boss Hans-Georg Maassen's exclusion from the party. The ex-spy chief has been accused of sympathizing with the far right.

The woman widely tipped to replace Angela Merkel as German chancellor has backed away from an earlier suggestion that the ruling Christian Democrats (CDU) should expel the country's former domestic intelligence chief from the party.

Merkel ally AKK suggests party exclusion for ex-spy chief

17 August 2019; DW: Germany’s ex-spy chief Hans-Georg Maassen faces possible exclusion from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives over his alleged far-right stance. The call comes CDU party chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.

Kramp-Karrenbauer told Germany's Funke Media newspaper group Saturday that as Christian Democrat (CDU) chairperson she would not let her party be undermined as the Tea Party movement had done by "radicalizing” the US Republicans.

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