
Far-right 'terror' group in dock in Germany over attack plot

30 September 2019; AFP: The trial of a neo-Nazi "terrorist" cell accused of plotting violent political upheaval in Germany opens Monday amid reports the country's far-right scene is growing more armed and radical.

Eight members of the so-called Revolution Chemnitz group aged between 21 and 32 will answer to charges of "forming a right-wing terrorist organization", according to federal prosecutors.

'Largest polar expedition in history' to probe Arctic climate

21 September 2019; AFP: A team of scientists from 19 countries will set off for the Arctic on Friday, aiming to freeze their ship into the polar ice for a year to research the changing climate.

Aboard the massive icebreaker Polarstern, belonging to Germany's Alfred Wegener polar and marine research institute, researchers hope to glean new understanding of the region.

German gov't agrees on climate package to halve emissions by 2030

BERLIN, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- The German federal government on Friday agreed on a bundle of measures to reach national climate targets -- 55 percent fewer greenhouse gases by 2030 as compared to 1990, including CO2 pricing and various incentives.

"We do not live sustainably today," stressed German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a press conference. "We are called upon, especially in view of the many young people around the world who rightly demand that we do something that offers them good opportunities in life."

Huawei's new Mate 30 phones to run on open-source version of Android: source

MUNICH (Reuters) - Huawei’s [HWT.UL] new Mate 30 smartphone range will run on an open-source version of Google’s Android operating system, a source familiar with the matter said ahead of a major launch event in Germany on Thursday.

The world’s No.2 smartphone maker has not been able to license the latest version of Android from Google, the Alphabet unit, because of an export ban imposed by the U.S. government in May.

German Finance Minister sees no need yet to abandon balanced budget over climate plan

BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government has enough other options to consider for funding a planned climate package before it needs to discuss sacrificing its “black zero” balanced-budget policy, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said on Monday.

“For me, we have sufficient options for action that we should first exhaust before such a discussion makes sense,” Scholz told a news conference with other senior figures from his Social Democrats, junior partner in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition.

Berlin celebrates postwar visitor program for expelled Jews

BERLIN (AP) — Berlin was the last place Helga Melmed had expected to see again.

She was 14 when the Nazis forced her and her family onto a train from their home in the German capital to the Jewish ghetto in Lodz, Poland, in 1941.

That started a gruesome odyssey that later saw her imprisoned at Auschwitz and Neuengamme outside Hamburg before she was finally freed by British soldiers in 1945 from Bergen-Belsen in northern Germany, a 46-pound walking skeleton.

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