
Sudan: Hamdok proposes roadmap to end political crisis

16 Oct 2021; MEMO: Sudan's Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok on Friday presented a roadmap to end the country's "worst and most dangerous" crisis between the political and military components of the government, news agencies reported.

Speaking on state TV, Hamdok announced: "The coup attempt opened the door for discord, and for all the hidden disputes and accusations from all sides, and in this way, we are throwing the future of our country and people and revolution to the wind."

Sudan's PM vows not to allow coup against revolution achievements

KHARTOUM, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok on Friday voiced the transitional government's commitment to not allow any coup against what has been achieved in the December Revolution.

Hamdok made the remarks in a speech broadcast by Sudan's official TV.

The Sudanese army ousted former President Omar al-Bashir in April 2019 amid popular protests that erupted in December 2018 against deteriorating economic conditions and hike in prices of basic commodities.

Sudan officials pay secret visit to Israel

09 Oct 2021; MEMO: A Sudanese military delegation has secretly visited Israel and discussed bilateral relations, Al Arabiya TV and Al-Sudani newspaper revealed on Friday.

The delegation included Rapid Support Forces Commander Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo and Head of Sudan's state-run defence manufacturer Mirghani Idris Suleiman.

Sudan joined the Abraham Accords to normalise ties with Israel but has not enjoyed the same progress in relations as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain have with Israel.

Sudan: We will speed up dismantling Bashir's regime: PM

22 Sep 2021; MEMO: Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok yesterday confirmed that the special committee established to dismantle the regime of former President Omar Al-Bashir will speed up its operations.

"We will speed up the completion of the transitional authority structures," Hamdok said, adding that "real urgent decisions will be issued to fortify the transition" stressing that "the current partnership must be strengthened."

Sudan says coup thwarted, accuses Bashir loyalists

KHARTOUM, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Sudanese authorities said they had foiled an attempted coup on Tuesday, accusing plotters loyal to ousted president Omar al-Bashir of a failed bid to derail the revolution that removed him from power in 2019 and ushered in a transition to democracy.

Sudan's military said 21 officers and a number of soldiers had been detained in connection to the coup attempt, and a search continued for others. All affected locations under army control, it said.

Sudan gov't confirms control over situation after thwarting coup attempt

KHARTOUM, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- The Sudanese government has confirmed control over the security situation in the capital Khartoum after foiling a coup plot, according to an official statement on Tuesday.

"On Tuesday morning, a failed coup attempt, carried out by a group of armed forces' officers from the remnants of the former regime, was brought under control," Hamza Baloul Al-Amir, Sudan's information minister and government spokesman, said in the statement.

Sudan: Coup plot reported in Sudan

21 Sep 2021; MEMO: Media reports emerged Tuesday about a failed coup attempt in Sudan.

State television said that a coup attempt was taking place in the country, calling on the citizens to confront it. This came in urgent news broadcast by the state TV, without giving further details about the group behind the plot.

A senior Sudanese military source told Anadolu Agency that a putschist group was trying to take control of the country.

Sudan denies Ethiopian statement about "infiltration of armed group to target Nile dam"

KHARTOUM, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- Sudan officially denied the Ethiopian statements about the "infiltration of its rebel groups through the Sudanese territories to target the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)."

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has followed, with regret, the misleading statements alleging that an armed group entered the Sudanese border to target an Ethiopian facility," said Sudan's Foreign Ministry on Saturday in a statement.

Sudan vows to support peace efforts in Somalia

KHARTOUM, Aug. 20 (Xinhua) -- Sudan on Friday vowed to support the efforts to achieve peace and stability in Somalia in cooperation with all Somali parties and the regional and international partners.

Sudan welcomed the recent agreement reached between the African Union (AU) Commission and the federal government of Somalia to extend the mandate of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), said Sudan's foreign ministry in a statement.

The ministry stressed AMISOM's important role in pushing the peace efforts in Somalia since its deployment.

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