Sudan gov't confirms control over situation after thwarting coup attempt


KHARTOUM, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- The Sudanese government has confirmed control over the security situation in the capital Khartoum after foiling a coup plot, according to an official statement on Tuesday.

"On Tuesday morning, a failed coup attempt, carried out by a group of armed forces' officers from the remnants of the former regime, was brought under control," Hamza Baloul Al-Amir, Sudan's information minister and government spokesman, said in the statement.

"We, in the transitional government and the regular bodies, reaffirm that we are working in complete coordination, and we reassure the Sudanese people that the situation is under complete control," he noted.

The Sudanese minister, meanwhile, announced the arrest of the leaders of the coup attempt, saying that they are currently being investigated after the last pocket of the coup was liquidated at the camp of the armored corps at Al-Shajara area.

He further said that the concerned authorities are now pursuing the remnants of the "defunct regime" involved in the coup attempt.