
Introduction of price cap may lead to cut in gas supply to EU — Scholz

BERLIN, October 20. /TASS/: A political decision to cap energy prices is always fraught with risks and can lead to a reduction in gas supplies to Europe, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said speaking in the Bundestag on Thursday.

"We are considering the proposals of the European Commission very carefully. A politically set price cap always carries the risk that producers will sell their gas somewhere else, and we, Europeans, will end up not with more gas, but with less gas," he warned.

Global leaders commit $2.6b to eradicate polio

BERLIN, Oct 20 (NNN-NEWVISION) — World leaders have thrown more weight behind the campaign to end polio by confirming $2.6b funding toward the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s (GPEI) 2022-2026 Strategy.

This timely commitment happened on Tuesday at the World Health Summit in Berlin, Germany.

The funds will bolster global efforts to eradicate polio, a disabling and life-threatening disease caused by the poliovirus.

German nuclear power extension wins Green minister's endorsement

BERLIN, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Economy Minister Robert Habeck on Tuesday endorsed the decision of Chancellor Olaf Scholz to use his executive authority to settle a long-running row within the coalition over extending the life of Germany's three remaining nuclear power stations.

Robert Habeck's Greens, opponents of nuclear power, wanted two plants kept running until April, while the business-friendly Free Democrats wanted an extension involving all three plants. On Monday, Scholz, a Social Democrat, ordered that all three should be kept going until April at the latest.

German spy chief: 'Russia is the storm, China is climate change'

BERLIN, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Germany's intelligence service chiefs warned on Monday that China could use stakes in critical infrastructure as leverage to pursue political aims amid a debate in Berlin over whether to let Chinese shipping company Cosco invest in Hamburg port.

Germany's Greens-run economy ministry wants to veto Cosco's bid to buy a stake in one of the three terminals in Germany's most important port, while the Social Democrat (SPD)-run chancellery is more in favour, according to government sources.

Germany's Scholz calls for bigger European Union

BERLIN, Oct 15 (Reuters) - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Saturday called for an expanded European Union, telling a gathering of European social democrats that it would then be able to better pull its weight in global affairs.

Since assuming office, Scholz has made European Union expansion to include the Balkans and others nations a major plank of his foreign policy. It has taken on more urgency since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which became a candidate for EU membership early this summer.

Sweden shuns formal joint investigation of Nord Stream leak, citing national security

BERLIN, Oct 14 (Reuters) - Sweden has rejected plans to set up a formal joint investigation team with Denmark and Germany to look into the recent ruptures of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, a Swedish prosecutor investigating the leaks, said.

Mats Ljungqvist, the prosecutor involved in Sweden's criminal investigation into the Nord Stream leaks in the Swedish economic zone, said Sweden was already co-operating with Denmark and Germany on the matter.

Germany, Sweden, Denmark to investigate Nord Stream incident separately — report

BERLIN, October 14. /TASS/: Germany, Sweden and Denmark gave up plans to jointly investigate the sabotage at the Nord Stream pipelines and will go it alone, Germany’s ARD television channel reported on Friday, citing sources in the German government.

The report said Sweden was the first to leave the joint investigation team, as it allegedly was wary of potential leaks. Denmark followed suit.

"Now each country is conducting its own investigation," ARD said.

Germany's cybersecurity chief faces dismissal, reports say

BERLIN, Oct 10 (Reuters) - German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser wants to dismiss the country's cybersecurity chief due to possible contacts with people involved with Russian security services, German media reported late on Sunday, citing government sources.

Arne Schoenbohm, president of the BSI federal information security agency, could have had such contacts through the Cyber Security Council of Germany, various outlets reported.

Germany to deliver air defence system to Ukraine within days -defence ministry

BERLIN, Oct 10 (Reuters) - Germany will deliver the first of four IRIS-T SLM air defence systems to Ukraine within days, German Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht said on Monday.

"The renewed missile fire on Kyiv and the many other cities show how important it is to supply Ukraine with air defence systems quickly," Lambrecht said in a statement.

"Russia's attacks with missiles and drones terrorize the civilian population in particular. That is why we are now providing support especially with air defence weapons."

Germany wants those behind Iran crackdown banned from EU, assets frozen, Bild am Sonntag reports

BERLIN, Oct 9 (Reuters) - Germany will ensure the European Union freezes the assets of those responsible for a violent crackdown on anti-government protests in Iran and bans their entry to the bloc, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock told a German Sunday newspaper.

Germany, France, Denmark, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic have submitted 16 proposals for new EU sanctions against Iran for its clampdown on protests ignited by the death in policy custody of a young woman, a German foreign ministry source said last week.

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