
Austria's Kurz faces tricky search for partners despite victory

30 September 2019; AFP: The 33-year-old leader of Austria's centre-right People's Party Sebastian Kurz faces the start of a tough search for possible coalition partners Monday, despite resounding success in parliamentary elections.

His OeVP party won a clear victory with around 37 percent in Sunday's vote, a marked improvement on its performance in 2017. The result means Kurz will have the responsibility of sounding out other parties -- which may be an uphill task.

Austria holds early vote after far-right corruption scandal

VIENNA (AP) — Austrians are electing a new Parliament, four months after a corruption scandal brought down ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s coalition government with the far-right Freedom Party.

Some 6.4 million voters aged 16 and up are eligible to cast ballots for Sunday’s election.

The Alpine country of 8.8 million has been run by a non-partisan interim administration appointed in June, after the publication of a video showing Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache appearing to offer favors to a purported Russian investor triggered the Kurz government’s collapse.

Russia still awaits response from US on proposal to avoid nuclear war — diplomat

VIENNA, September 24. /TASS/: Russia expects a response from the United States to the proposal to confirm their refusal to start a nuclear war, Russia's Permanent Representative to international organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov said on Monday.

UN nuclear watchdog starts general conference amid mounting Iran tension

VIENNA, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- The International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) 63rd General Conference opened here on Monday amid heightened tensions over the Iran nuclear deal.

Many of the IAEA's 171 member states are represented at the meeting from Monday to Friday. The application of the IAEA's safeguards in the Middle East and in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, as well as issues related to radiation safety and ways of strengthening the agency's technical cooperation activities are on the agenda.

Four candidates contend position of IAEA chief

VIENNA, September 6. /TASS/: The nomination of candidates for the position of director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency ended on September 5. There are four candidates for the post, Russia’s permanent representative at international organizations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, said on Friday.

"The deadline for the nomination of candidates for the vacant post of the IAEA director general has expired. Now we know that four contenders will contest this post. All of them are experienced professionals and well-known to us," Ulyanov tweeted.

Former UN chief Ban calls for "global citizens" to build bridges

ALPBACH, Austria, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- Former UN chief Ban Ki-Moon, who is co-chair of the Ban Ki-Moon Center for Global Citizens in Vienna, said Sunday that the concept of global citizenship is an important framework in times of rising populism and nationalism.

Global citizens identify themselves not only as a member of a nation, but also as a member of global community, Ban said, adding that they can act as agents of change and future leaders.

"Our aim is to build bridges rather than walls," he added.

Austrian farmers concerned about EU-U.S. beef deal: industry group

VIENNA, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- Austrian cattle farmers are concerned that the recently-announced beef deal between the European Union (EU) and the United States could impact their livelihoods, according to an industry interest group.

The deal announced on Friday means that the United States will be able to increase its beef exports to the EU, which will eventually reach up to 35,000 tons annually within seven years.

Diplomats recommit to saving Iran deal, oppose US sanctions

VIENNA (AP) — Diplomats from Iran and five world powers recommitted Sunday to salvaging a major nuclear deal amid mounting tensions between the West and Tehran since the U.S. withdrew from the accord and reimposed sanctions.

Representatives of Iran, Germany, France, Britain, China, Russia and the European Union met in Vienna to discuss the 2015 agreement that restricts the Iranian nuclear program.

“The atmosphere was constructive, and the discussions were good,” Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araghchi told reporters after the meeting ended.

Preliminary consultations on Iran nuclear deal start in Vienna - Russian mission

VIENNA, July 28./TASS/: Preliminary consultations of participants in a session of the JCPOA Joint Commission have started in Vienna, Russia’s Permanent Mission to the International Organizations in Vienna said in a tweet on Sunday.

"The Russian delegation is led by Deputy [Foreign Minister] Sergey Ryabkov", it said.

A session of the Joint Commission at the level of political directors will be held in Vienna on Sunday. Prior to the previous meeting, the Russian side had held consultations with representatives from the European foreign policy service, China and Iran.

Iran Nuclear Deal Remaining Signatories to Meet in Vienna

AUSTRIA, July 24 (NNN-TELESUR) – The international governments that are still signatories to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal will meet on July 28 in Vienna to discuss to what extent the agreement can be saved, according to the European Union’s diplomatic service.

China, France, Germany, Russia, United Kingdom, Iran and EU representatives will “examine issues linked to the implementation of the Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in all its aspects,” the EU statement said on Tuesday.

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