Human Rights

Israel downgrades homicide charge in illegal settler terrorist case, watched by Washington

11 August 2023; MEMO: Israeli police downgraded a homicide charge, on Friday, against an illegal Jewish settler suspected of killing a Palestinian in what the United States has described as a "terror attack", Reuters reports.

AIPAC escalates recruitment drive with 'dark money' to challenge Israel critics

10 August 2023; MEMO: In a bid to counter progressive candidates critical of Israel, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has intensified its recruitment efforts for the 2024 US elections. The pro-Israel group is actively seeking House candidates to challenge prominent members of the "Squad", such as Jamaal Bowman and Ilhan Omar.

Attacks on Quran continue in Denmark

10 August 2023; MEMO: A Danish anti-Islamic and ultranationalist group escalated attacks Wednesday on the Quran, despite wide-ranging condemnation, reports Anadolu Agency.

Members of the Danske Patrioter, or Danish Patriots, burned copies of the Muslim holy book in front of the Turkish, Pakistani, Algerian, Indonesian and Iranian embassies in Copenhagen.

Protesters gather in front of Israel MK Ben-Gvir's hotel in Cyprus

09 August 2023; MEMO: Pro-democracy demonstrators gathered in the Cypriot city of Paphos to protest outside the hotel where Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir was staying during his vacation, Israeli media reported.

"It must be nice to sleep in a democracy," the demonstrators shouted at the far-right extremist Israeli minister.

US slams murder of Palestinian boy by Israel settlers as 'terrorism'

07 August 2023; MEMO: Washington has condemned as "terrorism" the killing of a Palestinian by suspected Jewish settlers, in language that appears to reflect US frustration with surging violence in the occupied West Bank under Israel's hard-right government, Reuters reported.

Israel: far-right minister defends 'Jewish terrorist' following murder of young Palestinian

07 August 2023; MEMO: Israel's far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has backed a Jewish settler accused of carrying out a terrorist attack against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, following the killing of 19-year-old Palestinian Qusay Jamal Matan.

Quran burnings proof of broader bias against migrants in Europe: ex-UN rapporteur

07 August 2023; MEMO: A recent wave of Quran burnings in Sweden and Denmark is "an assertion of a broader anti-immigrant, anti-non-European right-wing bias that has grown to be quite politically strong," a former UN special rapporteur has said.

"There's no legitimate purpose by allowing groups to burn the holy scriptures of another religious faith," Richard Falk, a professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, said.

Pakistan: Imran Khan's party accuses authorities of denying access to him

Islamabad, Aug 6 (PTI) Imprisoned former prime minister Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party on Sunday accused authorities of denying his legal team access to the leader to get his signatures on essential documents for court purposes.

Khan, 70, was arrested from his home in Lahore on Saturday shortly after an Islamabad trial court found him guilty of “corrupt practices” in the Toshakhana corruption case and sentenced him to three-year imprisonment.

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