Human Rights

UK: Refugee children held in adult prisons alongside sex offenders

29 August 2023; MEMO: The Humans for Rights Network has identified an increasing number of cases in which child refugees who have arrived in the United Kingdom on small boats are being held in adult prisons alongside sex offenders. Several of these minors, particularly those from Sudan and South Sudan, appear to have been victims of trafficking or exploitation.

‘Accusing Israel of apartheid is not anti-Semitic - it's describing reality’ - Holocaust Professor

25 August 2023; MEMO: Accusing Israel of apartheid is not anti-Semitic, Amos Goldberg, a leading Professor of the Holocaust at Hebrew University in Jerusalem is reported saying in German newspaper, FAZ. The expert on anti-Jewish racism made his remarks in response to controversial comments made earlier this month by Germany’s anti-Semitism commissioner, Dr Felix Klein.

Israel: Gantz calls on Netanyahu to fire Ben-Gvir as crime rates rise

25 August 2023; MEMO: Israeli opposition leader Benny Gantz has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to dismiss National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported.

Ben-Gvir must be dismissed and replaced, and a new minister, who wants to and can deal with the crisis, must be appointed, Gantz said.

Every minute that passes is a ticking time bomb, Gantz warned.

OIC rejects Israeli measures to impose sovereignty over Jerusalem

22 August 2023; MEMO: The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) said on Monday that it rejects any attempts to impose Israeli sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem and its sanctities. The OIC issued its statement on the 54th anniversary of the arson attack against Al-Aqsa Mosque, with which, it pointed out, Muslims have an “eternal connection”.

UN official confirms all Israeli Jewish settlements are illegal and obstacles to peace

22 August 2023; MEMO: According to international law, all of Israel’s Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are illegal and pose a major obstacle to peace, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, told the Security Council on Monday.

Looted Yemen antiquities to go on auction in Israel

A number of rare ancient artefacts stolen from Yemen are to be auctioned in Israel, according to a report by Al-Quds Al-Arabi last week. Citing a Yemeni researcher who specialises in tracing looted antiquities online, Abdullah Mohsen, the report said that the public auction will take place in Tel Aviv in October.

In a Facebook post, Mohsen said that among the exhibits was a bronze frame featuring the embossed faces of two young men and it is “probably from Tamnu, Al-Awd, or Dhafar (referring to areas of ancient Yemeni civilisation).”

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