Human Rights

Egypt activists demand Rafah Crossing remain open after Jabaliya massacre

01 November 2023; MEMO: Egyptian activists renewed their demand for their government to completely open the Rafah border crossing and allow all aid into the Gaza Strip. Their calls came after the Israeli occupation army committed a new massacre in the Jabaliya camp, killing and injuring more than 400 people, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

Israel has lost all sense of statehood and acts like an organisation, says Erdogan

01 November 2023; MEMO: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Israel of losing its sense of statehood and acting instead like an organisation, Anadolu has reported. “It must be stopped immediately,” he added.

“The Israeli administration, backed by unconditional support from Europe and America, has been committing crimes against humanity in front of the entire world for exactly 25 days,” he said in a speech to the Turkish people after a government meeting in Ankara on Tuesday evening.

No ceasefire in Gaza, no votes, Muslim Americans and activists tell Biden

31 October 2023; MEMO: Muslim Americans and some Democratic Party activists say they will work to mobilise millions of Muslim voters to withhold donations and votes towards President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection unless he takes immediate steps to secure a Gaza ceasefire, Reuters reports.

South Africa calls for UN force to protect civilians in Gaza

30 October 2023; MEMO: South Africa, on Monday, called on the United Nations to deploy a Rapid Protection Force to protect the civilian population in Gaza from further bombardment by Israel, Anadolu Agency reports.

"All countries genuinely committed to a rules-based system underpinned by international law must act immediately" South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation, or Foreign Ministry, said in a strongly worded statement.

Ex-NATO chief calls Netanyahu ‘worst politician’ in Israel’s history

30 October 2023; MEMO: Former NATO chief, Javier Solana, said on Monday that he believes Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is the “worst politician” in Israeli history, Anadolu Agency reports.

“I don’t think anything good will come of this,” he told Spanish broadcaster, Cadena Ser, referring to this month’s events in Israel and Palestine. “But it could make Netanyahu disappear from Israeli politics.”

Preventing aid supplies to Gaza may be crime under ICC jurisdiction, warns top prosecutor

31 October 2023; MEMO: Obstructing relief supplies to the Gaza Strip may constitute a crime under the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) jurisdiction, the body’s top prosecutor has warned.

Speaking to a news conference in Egypt on Sunday, the ICC’s top prosecutor Karim Khan told Israel that it must make “discernable efforts, without further delay to make sure civilians receive basic foods, medicine.”

Pakistan tells UN to consider deployment of protection force in Palestine

28 October 2023; MEMO: As Israeli aerial bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip continues, Pakistan on Friday put its weight behind a proposal to deploy a protection force in Palestine, Anadolu reports.

“We need to consider ways to prevent a recurrence of this slaughter,” Foreign Minister Munir Akram told the UN General Assembly.

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