
Yemen's UAE-backed body pledges to thwart president's decisions

26 Jan 2021; MEMO: The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Yemen on Sunday pledged to prevent the implementation of decisions made by President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi without prior consultations, the Safa news agency reported.

This comes ten days after the president's decision to appoint the speaker of the Shura Council and two deputies, as well as a Public Prosecutor. The STC and two other parties rejected these nominations.

UN Envoy, Yemeni President Meet Over Plan For Yemen’s Peace

SANAA, Jan 7 (NNN-SABA) – UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, yesterday met with Yemeni President, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

They discussed a UN-brokered plan to push forward peace in Yemen.

Griffiths would be flying to Yemen’s southern port city of Aden, in the coming days, for meetings with Hadi’s government.

The UN envoy recently proposed an agreement between the Yemeni government and the Houthi rebels to enable resumption of political talks to end the war.

Aden airport reopens after deadly attack

04 Jan 2021; MEMO: Aden International Airport reopened yesterday after a Houthi-led missile attack on the terminal last week, local media has reported.

The attack took place on Wednesday moments after new cabinet members landed on a flight from the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh. At least 25 people were killed and 110 others were injured.

3 killed in artillery shelling on Yemeni wedding: Houthi TV

SANAA, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- Three people were killed when artillery shelling hit a wedding in Yemen's Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, Houthi rebel-run al-Masirah TV reported on Saturday.

The shelling, which was launched on Friday evening, also wounded seven other people in the marriage ceremony in Al-Hawak district, south of the port city, the television cited a statement by the Houthi-controlled health ministry as saying.

Yemen airport blasts kill 26 as government plane arrives

ADEN, Jan 1 (NNN-AGENCIES) — At least 26 people were killed when explosions rocked Yemen’s Aden airport moments after a new unity government flew in, in what some officials charged was a “cowardly” attack by the Houthi rebels.

Although all government ministers were reported to be unharmed in Wednesday’s attack, more than 50 people were wounded with the casualty toll feared likely to rise.

The International Committee of the Red Cross said one of its employees was among those confirmed dead, with another three wounded.

Saudi-led coalition strikes at Yemen capital after attacks on Aden blamed on Houthis

ADEN (Reuters) -Saudi-led coalition warplanes struck targets in Yemen’s Houthi-held capital Sanaa on Thursday in retaliation for attacks in the southern port city of Aden the previous day that took place as officials in a government backed by Riyadh arrived there.

The coalition accused the Houthi movement, which it has been fighting for six years, of staging the attack on Aden’s airport and a second one on the presidential palace.

UN: 172,000 Yemenis displaced in 2020 amid conflict

31 Dec 2020; MEMO: Some 172,000 Yemenis have been displaced during 2020 due to the years-long bloody conflict across the country, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) announced in a report yesterday.

"Since the start of 2020 until 26 December, 28,659 families, representing 171,954 Yemenis, have been displaced from their homes due to several factors, mostly the country's raging conflict," IOM said.

Yemen tribes call on Arab coalition to remove STC from Zinjibar

30 Dec 2020; MEMO: Yemen tribal leaders in the southern Abyan province yesterday called on the Saudi-led Arab coalition to put pressure on the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) to force it to hand over the province's capital of Zinjibar to government security forces in accordance with the Riyadh Agreement.

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