Science & Technology

Proud India launches historic bid to put spacecraft on Moon

22 July 2019; AFP: India on Monday launched a low-cost rocket on a historic bid to put a landing craft on the surface of the Moon and join an elite space force.

A week after an initial launch was halted just before blast-off, Chandrayaan-2 -- or Moon Chariot 2 -- took off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre carrying national pride and the hopes of Indian scientists.

India's moon mission Chandrayaan-2 launched successfully

Sriharikota(AP), Jul 22 (PTI) India's second moon mission Chandrayaan-2 aimed at landing a rover on unchartered Lunar South Pole was launched Monday with the country's most powerful geosynchronous launch vehicle successfully injecting the spacecraft in the Earth orbit after lift-off from the spacesport here Monday.

Trump election linked to rise in premature births among US Latina

Washington, Jul 22 (PTI) A significant jump in premature births among Latina women living in the US occurred in the nine months following the 2016 election of US President Donald Trump, according to a study.

The study, published in the journal JAMA Network Open, was prompted by smaller studies that had suggested adverse, stress-related health effects among Latin Americans in the US after the Trump election.

China's experimental space lab to re-enter earth's atmosphere tonight

Beijing, Jul 19; GANASHAKTI: China's experimental space lab Tiangong-2 will have a "controlled re-entry" into the earth's atmosphere and a small amount of its debris is expected to fall into the South Pacific Ocean on Friday night, the country's space agency said.

The re-entry would take place at a "proper time" tonight, China's Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO) said in a press release.

India: Chandrayaan-2 launch cancelled due to technical glitch

Sriharikota, Jul 15 (PTI) India's second mission to Moon, Chandrayaan-2 onboard GSLVMkIII-M1 was called off due to a technical snag on Monday, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said.

"A technical snag was observed in launch vehicle system at T-56 minute. As a measure of abundant precaution, #Chandrayaan2 launch has been called off for today. Revised launch date will be announced later," the ISRO tweeted.

India aborts moon mission launch, citing technical glitch

SRIHARIKOTA, India (AP) — India aborted the launch on Monday of a spacecraft intended to land on the far side of the moon less than an hour before liftoff.

The Chandrayaan-2 mission was called off when a “technical snag” was observed in the 640-ton, 14-story rocket launcher, Indian Space Research Organization spokesman B.R. Guruprasad said.

The countdown abruptly stopped at T-56 minutes, 24 seconds, and Guruprasad said that the agency would announce a revised launch date soon.

India's space organization to launch moon mission

NEW DELHI, July 14 (Xinhua) -- The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said on Sunday that it was all set to launch second lunar mission Chandrayaan-2.

The heavy-lift rocket GSLV-Mark-3 carrying Chandrayaan-2 will be launched from Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota, off the Bay of Bengal coast in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, at 2:51 a.m. local time on Monday.

NASA engineers install legs, wheels on Mars 2020 rover

LOS ANGELES, July 13 (Xinhua) -- NASA engineers have installed the legs and wheels, known as the mobility suspension, on the Mars 2020 rover recently, according to a latest release of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

More than a dozen "bunny suit"-clad engineers integrated the rover's legs and wheels on June 13 in the clean room of the Spacecraft Assembly Facility at JPL, marking another milestone in the rover's building.

Russia launches major new telescope into space after delays

MOSCOW (AP) — A Russian Proton-M rocket successfully delivered a cutting-edge space telescope into orbit Saturday after days of launch delays, Russia’s space agency said.

Roscosmos said the telescope, named Spektr-RG, was delivered into a parking orbit before a final burn Saturday that kicked the spacecraft out of Earth’s orbit and on to its final destination: the L2 Lagrange point.

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