Science & Technology

Turkey's 1st maritime missile successfully passes test

ANKARA, 06 July 2020; MEMO: Turkey's first indigenously produced maritime missile passed its latest long-distance test launch with flying colors, the nation’s top defense industry official said Saturday.

The Atmaca missile “performed its functions perfectly, it successfully hit a target over 200 kilometers [124 miles] away and is ready to enter the [Turkish Armed Forces'] weapons inventory,” Ismail Demir, the head of Turkey’s Defense Industries Presidency, said on Twitter.

Astronauts perform 2nd spacewalk to swap station batteries

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Astronauts performed their second spacewalk in under a week Wednesday to replace old batteries outside the International Space Station.

Commander Chris Cassidy and Bob Behnken ventured out to tackle the big, boxy batteries. For every two outdated batteries coming out, a new and improved one goes in to supply power to the station on the night side of Earth.

New High-Speed Railway Connects East, Central China

HEFEI, June 29 (NNN-XINHUA) – A new high-speed railway route connecting east and central China started operation on Sunday.

With a designed speed of 350 kph, the route connects the city of Shangqiu in central China’s Henan Province, and Hefei and Hangzhou, the capital cities of east China’s Anhui and Zhejiang provinces.

The northern section of the railway, from Shangqiu to Hefei, went into operation in Dec, 2019, according to the China Railway Shanghai Group Co., Ltd.

China Willing To Share Experience In Nuclear Energy With IAEA Member States

VIENNA, June 16 (NNN-XINHUA) – China is willing to share its experience in developing nuclear energy, with other member states of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), particularly developing countries, said a Chinese delegate at an IAEA Board of Governors meeting, on Monday.

Russia Complains About U.S. Arrogance Towards Its Space Programme

MOSCOW, June 10 (NNN-TASS) – Despite its long-term reliance on Russian spacecraft, the United States does not take the Russian space programme seriously, said Dmitry Rogozin, head of Roscosmos, Russia’s space agency.

“When our partners finally managed to conduct a successful test on their spacecraft, there were nothing but jokes and mockery directed at us,” Rogozin said, in this week’s Russian version of Forbes, noting that the American space industry should have thanked Russia instead.

2 million year old fossil of frog found in Argentina

BUENOS AIRES, June 9 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Argentine paleontologists have uncovered fossilized remains of a rare species of frog that lived two million years ago, the science and technology agency at the La Matanza national university said.

“We know very little about prehistoric frogs and toads,” said Federico Agnolin, a researcher at the Natural Science Museum.

“Frogs and toads are very sensitive to climate and environmental changes, which makes them an important source to understand past climates.”

Israel lawmaker invokes Nation-State Law to prevent Palestinian family unification

03 June 2020; MEMO: Chairman of the Israeli Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, Zvi Hauser, on Monday invoked the controversial 2018 Jewish Nation-State Law to prevent Palestinians from moving to Israel to be united with their families, Haaretz newspaper reported.

The Israeli Knesset voted by a majority of 41 in favour to 13 against extending the application of “the Citizenship and Entry” into Israel Law by a year which prohibits Palestinians from moving to Israel to be with their relatives.

Israel Tests New Ballistic Missile System

JERUSALEM, June 3 (NNN-MA’AN) – Israel has tested a new precise ballistic strike missile, capable of hitting targets in the range of 400 km, Israel Aerospace Industries said, on Tuesday.

The missile is part of a weapon system named LORA (Long-Range Artillery Weapon System), developed by Israel Aerospace Industries, a state-owned weapons and defence company.

The company said in a statement that, two firing trials were carried out in the open sea.

India: Lucknow institute develops affordable coronavirus test

Lucknow, Jun 1 (PTI) Lucknow's Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences has claimed to have developed a cheap rapid test that can detect coronavirus in less than 30 minutes.

Developed by the Department of Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology at the premiere government institution, the RNA-based test will cost just Rs 500 after it gets approval from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

The test uses the same process of RNA testing which is followed in the RT-PCR technology presently used on the directions of the ICMR.

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