
Covid-19: Brazilian regulator denies permission to import Russian vaccine

BRASÍLIA, April 27 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Brazil’s health regulator denied a request from several states to import Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine, saying it did not have the technical data needed to verify the jab’s safety and efficacy.

“We will never allow millions of Brazilians to be exposed to products without due verification of quality, safety and efficacy,” said Antonio Barra Torres, president of federal health regulator Anvisa.

Deaths from COVID-19 in Brazil close in on 390,000

RIO DE JANEIRO, April 24 (Xinhua) -- Brazil registered 3,076 more COVID-19-related deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing its death toll to 389,492, the country's Ministry of Health reported on Saturday.

According to the ministry, another 71,137 new cases were registered, bringing the country's caseload to 14,308,215.

Brazil is currently ranked second in the world in the number of deaths from COVID-19, surpassed only by the United States, and third in the world in the number of cases, behind the United States and India.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro says military would follow his orders to take the streets

(Reuters) --- Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said on Friday that if he were to order the military to take the streets and restore order, “the order will be followed,” raising fresh questions about his politicization of the armed forces.

Speaking during a TV interview, Bolsonaro said he would not "go into details into what I'm preparing." But he said that "if we were to have problems, we have a plan of how to enter the field ... our armed forces could one day go into the streets."

Brazil's COVID-19 cases top 14 mln

SAO PAULO, April 20 (Xinhua) -- Brazil reported 69,381 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, bringing the nationwide tally to 14,043,076.

The health ministry said that 3,321 more deaths were registered, raising national death toll to 378,003.

Brazil has the world's second-highest COVID-19 death toll, after the United States, and has the third-largest caseload, after the United States and India. Since March, it has reported the highest average daily death tolls worldwide.

Brazil: Food insecurity hits 125 million amid covid-19 crisis

BRASILIA, April 18 (NNN-TELESUR) — At least 125.6 million Brazilians have not eaten in appropriate quantity and quality since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the latest data by the Food for Justice Research Group.

Based at the Free University of Berlin, the project measured the levels of food insecurity in Brazil and found that over 59.3 percent of Brazilians currently live under these conditions.

Senate Democrats urge Biden to condition aid to Brazil

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — More than a dozen Senate Democrats sent a letter to U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday complaining of a woeful environmental track record by his Brazilian counterpart, Jair Bolsonaro, and urging him to condition any support for Amazon preservation on significant progress reducing deforestation.

Brazil Reports 3,560 Single-Day Deaths From COVID-19

SAO PAULO, Apr 16 (NNN-CMA) – Brazil yesterday reported 3,560 deaths from COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, raising its pandemic death toll to 365,444.

According to the Ministry of Health, during the same period, tests detected 73,174 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the total infections to 13,746,681.

The state of Sao Paulo, the most populous in Brazil, has been the most affected by the pandemic, recording 2,704,098 cases and 86,535 deaths.

Brazil’s virus outlook darkens amid vaccine supply snags

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — April is shaping up to be Brazil’s darkest month yet in the pandemic, with hospitals struggling with a crush of patients, deaths on track for record highs and few signs of a reprieve from a troubled vaccination program in Latin America’s largest nation.

The Health Ministry has cut its outlook for vaccine supplies in April three times already, to half their initial level, and the country’s two biggest laboratories are facing supply constraints.

Brazil reports another 93,317 COVID-19 cases, 3,693 deaths

SAO PAULO, April 9 (Xinhua) -- Brazil reported another 93,317 infections and 3,693 deaths from COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, raising the national tallies to 348,718 and 13,373,174, respectively, the Ministry of Health said Friday.

Hospitals in 19 states and the capital Brasilia are collapsing under the weight of rising infections, as more than 90 percent of intensive care beds have been occupied.

The country's average daily number of deaths in the last seven days has increased to 2,930, the highest in the world.

Brazil Covid-19: Sao Paulo exhumes old graves to make space for surging burials

SAO PAULO, April 2 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Brazil’s biggest city sped up efforts to empty old graves, making room for a soaring number of COVID-19 deaths as Sao Paulo city hall registered record daily burials this week.

Gravediggers in the Vila Nova Cachoeirinha cemetery in the city’s northern reaches worked in white hazmat suits to open the tombs of people buried years ago, bagging decomposed remains for removal to another location.

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