Washington DC

US wants to oust Iran from UN women's body

02 Nov 2022; MEMO: The United States will try to remove Iran from the 45-member UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) over the government's denial of women's rights and brutal crackdown on protests, US Vice President, Kamala Harris, said on Wednesday, Reuters reports.

Iran has just started a four-year term on the Commission, which meets annually every March and aims to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women.

US releases oldest Guantanamo detainee after almost 20 years

30 October 2022; MEMO: A 74-year-old Pakistani national has returned home after spending almost two decades without charge in the notorious US-run Guantanamo Bay detention centre in Cuba.

Saifullah Paracha was reunited with his family yesterday after spending more than 17 years in custody, the foreign ministry announced yesterday.

If there were not an Israel, we'd have to invent one, Biden says again

27 October 2022; MEMO: Speaking Israeli President Isaac Herzog yesterday, US President Joe Biden once again said: "If there were not an Israel, we'd have to invent one."

He added that "the irontad [sic]– -clad commitment the United States has to Israel based on our principles, our ideas, our values.  They're the same values."

White House 'defied' by US bankers attending Riyadh's 'Davos in the Desert'

25 October 2022; MEMO: American bankers are said to have defied the White House to attend the Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh, which opens today. The Chief Executive of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon; Blackstone co-founder Stephen Schwarzman; and David Solomon, the head of Goldman Sachs, are among a host of western executives scheduled to speak at the annual event dubbed "Davos in the Desert".

US Dems in hot water ahead of midterm elections amid Biden’s declining popularity

Tehran, IRNA – Less than a month into midterm elections in the US, President Joe Biden sees his popularity declining and reaching its lowest level since he took office in January 2021, which makes things difficult for the president and his Democratic party even in the 2024 presidential election.

According to a poll recently published by Fox News, only 33% of respondents said they would vote for Biden in the 2024 election, while 54% said they cast ballots for another candidate.

Russian military personnel based in Crimea have been piloting Iranian drones: US

Washington, Oct 21 (PTI) The US has alleged that Russian military personnel based in Crimea have been piloting Iranian drones and asserted that it will pursue all means to expose, deter and confront Iran's provision of these munitions against the Ukrainian people.

John Kirby, NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications, also claimed that there was clear evidence that Iranian military personnel were on the ground in Crimea.

USA: White House in talks with Musk to set up Starlink in Iran

21 October 2022; MEMO: The White House is in talks with billionaire, Elon Musk, about setting up SpaceX's satellite internet service, Starlink, in Iran, CNN reported on Friday, citing officials familiar with the matter, Reuters reports.

The satellite-based broadband service could help Iranians circumvent the regime's restrictions on accessing the internet and certain social media platforms.

USA: Biden to release 15M barrels from oil reserve

Washington, Oct 19 (AP-PTI) President Joe Biden will announce the release of 15 million barrels of oil from the US strategic reserve Wednesday as part of a response to recent production cuts announced by OPEC+ nations, and he will say more oil sales are possible this winter, as his administration rushes to be seen as pulling out all the stops ahead of next month's midterm elections.

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