Washington DC

US may deny visas to Israelis suspected of committing crimes against Palestinians

22 Dec 2022; MEMO: The US is considering denying visas to Israelis suspected of violence and crimes against Palestinians, Israel Hayom has reported. The US Embassy in Jerusalem is apparently closely examining cases of violence committed by Israelis against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Scholars of anti-Semitism defend UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine against pro-Israel onslaught

22 Dec 2022; MEMO: Sixty-five scholars of Anti-Semitism, Holocaust and Jewish Studies have issued a letter to denounce the escalating smear campaign against Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur (SR) on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.

US is not planning Iran drone curbs on Wednesday

21 Dec 2022; MEMO: The Biden administration is not planning on Wednesday to unveil export restrictions on Iranian drones that Russia has used to invade Ukraine, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The source was commenting on a Bloomberg report earlier on Wednesday that said the United States could include Iranian drone restrictions in a sanctions announcement expected to coincide with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's surprise trip to Washington.

USA: Republican senators call on FBI for shutdown probe into Abu Akleh killing

21 Dec 2022; MEMO: Eight Republican Senators in the US have penned a letter to the FBI and Department of Justice (DoJ) to cease their investigation into the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.

The eight lawmakers suggest that the probe could negatively affect US-Israel ties.

US applies pressure on UN not to blacklist firms profiting from illegal Israeli settlements

08 Dec 2022; MEMO: A week in which the Biden administration has been rebuked for having "no red lines on Israel", the US is applying pressure on the UN not to update its database of the list of companies operating in illegal Jewish-only Israeli settlements.

CIA Director to Turkey: strikes in Syria put US troops in danger

08 Dec 2022; MEMO: CIA is warning NATO member, Turkiye, against a new military operation in Syria, after strikes in the country late last month endangered US troops, Reuters reports.

According to the report, CIA Director, Bill Burns, spoke by phone with his Turkish counterpart, conveying his "strong opposition" to a new Turkish military operation in Syria, according to a Pentagon readout on the call.

US warns of China influence in Middle East

08 Dec 2022; MEMO: The White House yesterday responded to Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Saudi Arabia by warning that Beijing's attempt to spread influence worldwide is "not conducive" to international order.

Asked about Xi's visit, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters that Saudi Arabia remains a crucial US ally, but he issued a warning over China.

Oil price cap on Russian oil will benefit emerging markets, help constrain Putin’s finances: US

Washington, Dec 3 (PTI) The US has welcomed the USD 60-per-barrel price cap on Russian oil, describing it as an “important tool” that will benefit emerging markets and low-income economies and further cripple President Vladimir Putin’s finances used to fund his “brutal invasion” on Ukraine.

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