Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia To Develop Nuclear Power Programme: Minister

RIYADH, Jan 13 (NNN-SPA) – Saudi Arabia aims to take advantage of its uranium resources, to develop its nuclear power programme, Saudi energy minister, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud, revealed yesterday.

During the International Mining Conference in Riyadh, he highlighted the importance of energy flexibility, to face the transition to clean energy, Al Arabiya News reported.

The minister said that, the kingdom wants to benefit from nuclear technology, to diversify its energy mix.

Saudi Arabia mocked for using Iraq war footage as 'evidence' of Houthi missiles

11 Jan 2022; MEMO: Saudi Arabia has been ridiculed on social media after it emerged that the spokesperson for the Saudi-led coalition in the war against Yemen used footage from a documentary on the 2003 US invasion of Iraq to accuse Yemen's Houthi movement of stockpiling ballistic missiles. Turki Al-Maliki aired the footage during a press conference on Saturday, in which he alleged that it was proof of weapons development in the besieged

Saudi Arabia to deport Uyghur scholar to China 'within days,'

11 Jan 2022; MEMO: An Uyghur Muslim scholar detained in Saudi Arabia may be deported back to China "within days" and is at risk of facing imprisonment and torture, his family has revealed.

According to the London-based news outlet Middle East Eye, which the Uyghur scholar and businessman, Aimadoula Waili's daughters spoke to, a Saudi judicial official saw their father last week and informed him that he should be "mentally prepared" to be extradited to China "within days".

Saudi Arabia: OIC expert group mulls over Programme of Action

JEDDAH, Dec 28 (APP): The intergovernmental group of experts at the general secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), on Tuesday, considered the draft document of the mid-term review of the OIC-2025 programme of action.

During the meeting, Dr. Ahmad Sengendo, OIC Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Affairs, delivered the speech of OIC Secretary-General Hissein Brahim Taha.

Saudi Arabia the 'drug capital' of the Middle East

22 Dec 2021; MEMO: Saudi Arabia has become the drug capital of the Middle East and is struggling to crack down on regional and international trafficking of a highly addictive substance popular with the Kingdom's young people. The multi-billion-dollar market in Captagon pills is fuelled by the growing demand in Saudi Arabia. This has become a serious domestic concern and a major bone of contention with its neighbours.

Saudis hold a 'rave in the desert'

20 Dec 2021; MEMO: Over 700,000 people flocked to a popular music festival in Saudi Arabia to mark the end of the four-day event, according to the kingdom's authorities today.

Over the course of the MDLBeast Soundstorm festival, 732,000 party-goers travelled to the concert held in the Saudi desert north of the capital Riyadh, in what the head of Saudi's General Entertainment Authority, Turki Al-Sheikh, praised as "one of the largest music festivals in the world."

Saudi Arabia completed $33.3bn borrowing plan in 2021

24 Dec 2021; MEMO: Saudi Arabia's National Debt Management Centre (NDMC) said it has completed its 125 billion riyal ($33.3 billion) borrowing plan for 2021.

Saudi Finance Minister and Chairman of the NDMC, Mohammed Bin Abdullah Al-Jadaan, announced that 60.5 per cent of the debt raised in 2021 was from local sources while the remaining 39.5 per cent was made up of international borrowing.

Saudi Arabia building own ballistic missiles with Chinese aid: Report

23 Dec 2021; MEMO: Saudi Arabia is actively pursuing the manufacture of ballistic missiles with help from China, CNN reported today.

US intelligence agencies said satellite images prove the Saudis branched out to building rather than buying weapons from China.

The worry is that the initiative could cause Iran, the arch-rival of Saudi Arabia, to refuse pressure to stop pursuing its nuclear and missile programmes – an initiative backed by the US, EU, Israel and other countries in the Middle East.

German company wins first giga-scale green hydrogen deal in Saudi Arabia

15 Dec 2021; MEMO: A German engineering company has won a deal for the world's largest green hydrogen project at Saudi Arabia's future city, Neom, Trade Arabia reports.

According to the report, German company, Thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers, has signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia to supply and install a 2GW-plus electrolysis plant for one of the world's largest green hydrogen projects.

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