
Immigration across US-Mexico border plunges 74.5 pct in 9 months

MEXICO CITY, Feb 13 (NNN-Xinhua) — Immigration across the US-Mexico border plunged 74.5 percent from May 2019 to January 2020, in the wake of a bilateral agreement to curb migrant flows, Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Minister Marcelo Ebrard said.

In January, the number of migrants crossing the border came to 36,679, a vast reduction compared to May 2019, when 144,116 cases were registered, according to official figures.

Uber suspends 240 users accounts in Mexico over possible virus contact

MEXICO CITY, Feb 3 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Uber has suspended the accounts of 240 users in Mexico who may have been in contact with drivers that ferried a person suspected of having the deadly coronavirus.

More than 300 people have died from the novel coronavirus in mainland China and although more than 100 people have been infected outside the country, Mexico has not reported a confirmed case.

Uber suspends 240 users accounts over possible virus contact

2 February 2020; AFP: Uber has suspended the accounts of 240 users in Mexico who may have been in contact with drivers that ferried a person suspected of having the deadly coronavirus.

More than 300 people have died from the novel coronavirus in mainland China and although more than 100 people have been infected outside the country, Mexico has not reported a confirmed case.

After crackdown, Mexico president sees caravans as waning

MEXICO CITY (AP) — President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Friday that he expects more caravans of Central American migrants and asylum seekers to emerge, but he sees the phenomenon which became a political football in the United States in recent years as waning.

A week after armored National Guard troops and immigration agents broke up what was left of the most recent caravan in southern Mexico, loading men, women and children onto buses for likely deportation, López Obrador suggested that fewer will come in future groups.

Brazilians sent to Mexico by U.S. say they don't understand why

CIUDAD JUAREZ (Reuters) - Bewildered, sad and disappointed, Brazilians migrants sent from the United States to Mexico this week were left wondering how they had ended up in another country whose language they do not understand.

The United States on Wednesday began sending some Brazilian migrants who had crossed the border with Mexico back there to await their U.S. court hearings under a program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP).

Use of ‘rescues’ by Mexican migration officials criticized

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The headline on a statement from Mexico’s National Immigration Institute read: “INM rescues 800 Central American migrants who entered (Mexico) today irregularly.”

For many people who watched the moments when hundreds of Mexican national guardsmen with helmets and riot shields confronted hundreds of migrants who had been resting in the shade after walking all morning, “rescues” didn’t seem to be the right word.

Some see end to caravans as Mexican guardsmen stop migrants

FRONTERA HIDALGO, Mexico (AP) — From the roadside stand where his family sells mole, barbecue and chicken stew, Miguel Ángel Vázquez has seen all the caravans of Central American migrants and asylum seekers stream past his front door in recent years, throngs of people driven to flee poverty and violence in hopes of a better life in the United States.

100s in river ‘no-man’s land’ after Mexico troops block way

CIUDAD HIDALGO, Mexico (AP) — Hundreds of Central American migrants were stranded in a sort of no-man’s land on the river border between Guatemala and Mexico after running up against lines of Mexican National Guard troops deployed to keep them from moving en masse into the country and on north toward the U.S.

Mexico blocks hundreds of migrants from crossing border span

CIUDAD HIDALGO, Mexico (AP) — Mexican authorities closed a border entry point in southern Mexico on Saturday after thousands of Central American migrants tried to push their way across a bridge spanning the Suchiate River between Mexico and Guatemala.

Honduran migrants waved their country’s flag and sang the national anthem as they approached the bridge. At the height of the confrontation, Guatemalan authorities estimated 2,500 migrants were on the bridge, or attempting to get on it.

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