Human Rights

Palestinian Killed By Israeli Soldiers In West Bank

RAMALLAH, June 24 (NNN-WAFA) – A Palestinian man was killed on Tuesday, by Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint in the south West Bank.

Ahmad Erekat, 27, was shot dead after his vehicle crashed at the checkpoint, located between East Jerusalem and the southern West Bank district of Bethlehem, Palestinian medical sources said.

But Israeli sources said that the man attempted to run over Israeli soldiers manning the checkpoint.

ICC prosecutors cite grave errors in Gbagbo acquittal at start of appeal

HAGUE, June 24 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Prosecutors at the International Criminal Court (ICC) said “grave errors” were made in acquittal last year of former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo, as they began their bid to overturn the decision at an appeals hearing on Monday.

The ICC, the world’s first permanent war crimes court, said in January last year that prosecutors had failed to prove any case against Gbagbo.

European MPs reject Israel West Bank annexation plan

BRUSSELS, June 24 (NNN-AGENCIES) — More than 1,000 parliamentarians from across Europe have signed a letter strongly opposing plans by Israel to annex parts of the occupied West Bank.

The letter raises “serious concerns” about the proposals and calls for “commensurate consequences”.

More than 240 signatories are legislators in Britain.

The publication of the letter in several newspapers comes a week before the annexation process could begin.

Egypt arrests sister of political detainee Alaa Abdelfattah

23 June 2020; MEMO: Sanaa Seif, the sister of political prisoner Alaa Abdelfattah, has been kidnapped outside the attorney general’s office in a van by state security officers.

Alaa’s relatives were at the attorney general’s office to file a complaint after they were beaten outside Tora Prison.

India: Anti-CAA activist Safoora Zargar granted bail

Delhi; 23 June 2020 (UMMN): The Delhi High Court has granted bail to Anti-CAA activist Safoora Zargar on purely “humanitarian grounds”.

27-year-old Zargar, Jamia Coordination Committee Media Coordinator is pregnant, and was arrested by the Delhi Police’s Special Cell on April 10 in a case related to communal violence in Northeast Delhi.

US held off sanctioning Chinese over Uighurs to pursue trade deal: Pres Trump

WASHINGTON, June 23 (NNN-AGENCIES) — US President Donald Trump says he did not sanction Chinese officials further over the detention of Muslims in Xinjiang as he was in the “middle of a trade deal”.

Trump told the Axios news site that achieving a “great” deal meant he could not impose “additional sanctions”.

China has held about a million Uighurs and other ethnic groups in camps in Xinjiang for indoctrination and punishment but denies mistreating them.

Jordan, Netherlands Reaffirm Rejection To Israeli Plan To Annex Palestinian Lands

AMMAN, June 23 (NNN-PETRA) – Jordan and the Netherlands, on Monday, reaffirmed their rejection to Israel’s plan to annex Palestinian territories, according to the Jordanian foreign ministry.

The remarks were made during a phone call between Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, and his Dutch counterpart, Stef Blok.

They examined the latest developments of the Palestinian cause, mainly Israeli threats to regional peace about annexing Palestinian lands.

Experts say U.S. signing of bill on Xinjiang interferes in China's internal affairs

BEIJING, June 22 (Xinhua) -- The signing of a so-called human rights act related to China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region by the United States has interfered in China's internal affairs, experts have said.

"Intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states is one of the most dangerous actions of our generation," Tursunali Kuziev, a professor at Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, warned.

25,000 die in Med Sea over past 8 years: Erdogan

ISTANBUL 22 June 2020; AA: Some 25,000 people, mostly women and children, have died in the Mediterranean Sea over the last eight years, the Turkish president said on Sunday.

“In the past eight years, 25,000 people, most of them women and children, died in the treacherous waters of Mediterranean,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the closing ceremony of the International Migration Film Festival via video conference.

UK Jews demand new right-wing Israel ambassador not be allowed to take office

22 June 2020; MEMO: Nearly 1,500 British Jews signed a petition calling on the Boris Johnson government to refuse the appointment of Israeli Minister of Settlement Affairs, Tzipi Hotovely, as Tel Aviv’s ambassador to London because she “has an appalling record of racist and inflammatory behaviour”.

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