
China decries 'political manipulations' behind Huawei case in US

29 Jan 2019; AFP: China on Tuesday decried the "political manipulations" behind the US case against Huawei as Washington indicted the tech giant's chief financial officer and levelled sweeping charges against the company.

"For some time, the US has used state power to discredit and crack down on specific Chinese companies in an attempt to strangle the enterprises' legitimate and legal operations," China's foreign ministry said in a statement attributed to spokesman Geng Shuang.

China condemns US 'smear' in Huawei case as tensions boil

29 Jan 2019; AFP: China on Tuesday accused the United States of "political motivations" behind sweeping charges against Chinese telecom giant Huawei in a case that has ratcheted up tensions between the two superpowers.

The Justice Department Monday unveiled 13 charges against Huawei Technologies, its chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou -- the daughter of the company's founder -- and two affiliates related to violating US sanctions on Iran.

Conditions worsen for foreign journalists in China: survey

29 Jan 2019; DW: Foreign journalists working in China experienced surveillance, government interference and being followed. Conditions were particularly bad in Xinjiang, where "re-education" camps for Muslim minorities have been set up.

Working conditions for foreign journalists in China worsened in 2018, a survey showed Tuesday, partly due to government interference with reporting on Muslim minority groups in Xinjiang.

Chinese automaker to export electric pickups trucks to U.S. in 2019

CHICAGO, Jan. 28 (Xinhua) -- China's EV start-up Kaiyun Motors plans to export electric pickups to the U.S. market this year, local media reported on Monday.

Kaiyun Motors has the required approvals and plans to sell as many as 10,000 of its Pickman electric trucks in the United States this year, the Detroit News quoted the company's founder Wang Chao as saying.

China jails rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang for subversion

28 Jan 2019; DW: A court in Tianjin has sentenced prominent human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang to 4 1/2 years in prison for subversion of state power. The 42-year-old went missing in 2015 amid a crackdown on activists and lawyers.

Human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang has been handed a jail term of 4 1/2 years for state subversion by a court in northern China.

China supports Venezuela's efforts in safeguarding sovereignty, stability

BEIJING, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- China on Thursday voiced support for Venezuela's efforts in safeguarding its sovereignty, independence and stability as well as opposition to foreign interference in the South American country's internal affairs.

According to media reports, Juan Guaido, president of Venezuela's National Assembly, proclaimed himself "interim president" of the country on Wednesday, about which the United States, Brazil and some other countries have issued statements in recognition of his presidency.

China urges US to stay out of Venezuela crisis

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP): China is calling on the United States to stay out of Venezuela’s current political crisis and says it opposes all outside intervention in the South American country.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Thursday that all parties to the conflict should “remain rational and level-headed and seek a political resolution on the Venezuelan issue through peaceful dialogue within the framework of the Venezuelan Constitution.”

China's first baby born from transplanted womb

XI'AN, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- A woman who successfully received a womb donated from her mother after a uterus transplant in November 2015 gave birth to a healthy baby boy in northwest China's Shaanxi Province on Sunday.

Weighing 2 kg and measuring 48 cm long, the baby is China's first and the world's 14th baby born from a transplanted womb, doctors with the Xijing Hospital in Xi'an, capital of the province, said Wednesday.

Yang Hua, 26, the new mother, was born without a uterus but has her own ovaries.

China clones gene-edited monkeys

SHANGHAI, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- China has cloned five monkeys from a gene-edited macaque with circadian rhythm disorders, the first time multiple monkeys have been cloned from a gene-edited monkey for biomedical research.

Scientists made the announcement Thursday, with two articles published in National Science Review, a top Chinese journal in English. The cloned monkeys were born in Shanghai at Institute of Neuroscience of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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