
US threatens escalation with Iran at IAEA next month

VIENNA, Nov 26 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The United States threatened to confront Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency next month if it does not cooperate more with the watchdog – an escalation that could undermine talks on reviving a 2015 big-power deal with Iran.

Tehran is locked in several standoffs with the IAEA, whose 35-nation Board of Governors is holding a quarterly meeting this week.

Austrian lockdown dampens holiday mood to contain virus

VIENNA (AP) — Austrians savored one last mulled wine in packed Christmas markets before the curtain came down on the holiday season that was just getting underway, plunging the country that gave the world “Silent Night” into its fourth lockdown of this pandemic on Monday.

The capital, Vienna, awoke groggily to the new restrictions, with people heading to work, to bring children to school or to exercise outdoors, more or less as usual.

Belarus opposition leader urges Austria to do more to counter Lukashenko

VIENNA, Nov 21 (Reuters) - Belarusian opposition leader in exile Svetlana Tikhanouskaya urged Austria's government and Austrian companies present in Belarus to do more to help her allies against President Alexander Lukashenko in remarks published on Sunday.

Her comments in a joint interview with Austrian newspapers Kleine Zeitung and Die Presse come on the eve of a video conference hosted by Austria in support of Belarusian civil society in the face of a crackdown on opposition by Lukashenko's government. Tikhanouskaya helped organise the conference.

Austria: Thousands protest upcoming lockdown in Vienna

VIENNA (AP) — Thousands of protesters gathered in Vienna on Saturday after the Austrian government announced a nationwide lockdown to contain the quickly rising coronavirus infections in the country.

The far-right opposition Freedom Party was among those who have called for the protest and vowed to combat the new restrictions.

Demonstrations against virus measures were also expected in other European countries including Switzerland, Croatia and Italy.

Austria to enter lockdown, make COVID-19 jabs mandatory

VIENNA (AP) — Austria will go into a national lockdown to contain a fourth wave of coronavirus cases, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg announced Friday, as new COVID-19 infections hit a record high amid a pandemic surge across Europe.

The lockdown will start Monday and initially will last for 10 days, Schallenberg said.

And starting Feb. 1, the country will also make vaccinations mandatory.

Austria plans to approve lockdown for the unvaccinated on Sunday

VIENNA, Nov 12 (Reuters) - Austria's government is likely to decide on Sunday to impose a lockdown on people who are not fully vaccinated against the coronavirus as daily infections have surged to record levels, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said on Friday.

Schallenberg did not say when the lockdown would take effect, but the two provinces hardest-hit by this wave of infections, Upper Austria and Salzburg, will introduce the measure for themselves on Monday.

Pakistani, Kashmiri diaspora in Austria condemns Indian occupation in IIOJK

VIENNA, Oct 29 (APP): The members of Pakistan and Kashmiri diaspora in Austria and Slovakia on Friday called upon the international community to notice the plight of people in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and work towards the resolution of the longstanding dispute.

In their remarks at a seminar organized by the Embassy of Pakistan in Vienna to mark the Kashmir Black Day, the speakers highlighted the various dimensions of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute. 

Austrian chancellor threatens lockdown for unvaccinated

VIENNA (AP) — Unvaccinated people in Austria could face new lockdown restrictions if coronavirus case numbers continue to rise, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said.

The news came after a Friday evening meeting between Schallenberg and state-level leaders to discuss their response to rapidly increasing case numbers.

“The pandemic is not yet in the rearview mirror,” Schallenberg said. “We are about to stumble into a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

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