Washington DC

US: Israelis, Palestinians alike deserve to live safely, securely

01 Feb 2022; MEMO: Israelis and Palestinians alike deserve to live safely and securely, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said yesterday.

Blinken spoke to Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas on the phone, a statement said, and discussed "the importance of strengthening the US relationship with the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian people."

Blinken also discussed with Abbas "the need to improve quality of life for Palestinians in tangible ways."

Biden names Qatar major non-NATO ally as energy crisis looms

Washington, Feb 1 (AP) President Joe Biden on Tuesday designated Qatar a major non-NATO ally, a largely symbolic honour but one that was meant to convey his administration's gratitude for the tiny Persian Gulf nation's assistance with evacuations from Afghanistan and in ending last year's Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.

Biden proposes that PA stops paying stipends to prisoners

27 Jan 2022; MEMO: The Biden administration in Washington has proposed to President Mahmoud Abbas that the Palestinian Authority should stop paying stipends to Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, Arab48.com reported on Wednesday. US President Joe Biden has instead suggested that the funds saved by cutting the stipends could be used for welfare payments.

Former VP Ansari, four US lawmakers express concern over human rights situation in India

Washington, Jan 27 (PTI) Former vice-president Hamid Ansari and four US lawmakers have expressed concern over the current human rights situation in India.

They were speaking at a virtual panel discussion organised by the Indian American Muslim Council on Wednesday.

India has rejected criticism by foreign governments and human rights groups on allegations that civil liberties have eroded in the country.

USA: Biden authorises $2.5bn arms sale to Egypt as torture video spreads online

26 Jan 2022; MEMO: Biden has authorised a $2.5 billion arms sale to Egypt as the country's human rights violations spiral out of control.

The announcement comes as a video spread online showing scenes of torture within a police station in Cairo confirming what rights defenders have said for years – that torture of prisoners in Egypt is systematic and widespread.

US ready for direct nuclear talks with Iran

25 Jan 2022; MEMO: The US is ready for direct talks with Iran about its nuclear programme, a spokesperson for the State Department said on Monday.

"We are prepared to meet directly," explained the official. "We have long held the position that it would be more productive to engage with Iran directly, on both JCPOA negotiations and other issues." The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was signed by world powers and Iran in 2015, although Donald Trump pulled the US out in 2018.

US lawmakers seek litigation at WTO against India on wheat subsidy

Washington, Jan 21 (PTI) Top American lawmakers have urged the Joe Biden administration to initiate a litigation process at the World Trade Organization against India subsidising its farmers over half of the value of production for wheat.

US Wheat Associates, which has been aggressively pushing for such a move by the administration, has welcomed the letters by members of the Congress and Senate.

US Congress to promote more normalisation with Israel

11 Jan 2022; MEMO: A group of US lawmakers from both the Senate and the House of Representatives have launched the Abraham Accords Congressional Caucus to encourage more Arab countries to normalise relations with Israel. The caucus will be co-chaired by Senators James Lankford, Jacky Rosen, Joni Ernst and Cory Booker, as well as Representatives Cathy McMorris Rogers, Brad Schneider, Anne Wagner and David Trone.

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