Washington DC

A week of legal setbacks for Trump in Washington, New York

New York, Feb 19 (AP) Former President Donald Trump faced one legal setback after another this week as a judge ruled he must sit for a deposition in New York to answer questions about his business practices, his accounting firm declared his financial statements unreliable, another judge rejected his efforts to dismiss conspiracy lawsuits and the National Archives confirmed that he took classified information to Florida as he left White House.

US hopes India will support America if Russia attacks Ukraine

Washington, Feb 17 (PTI) The US has hoped that India, which is committed to a rules-based international order, will stand by its side in case of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, which as per the Biden administration seems imminent with Moscow adding 7,000 troops to Ukraine's border in recent days

State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said on Wednesday that there was a discussion on Russia and Ukraine during the recently concluded Quad ministerial in Melbourne that included foreign ministers from Australia, India, Japan and the United States

Kushner nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

15 Feb 2022; MEMO: Jared Kushner has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for a second year running for his work on normalising relations between Israel and Arab countries. The son-in-law of former US President Donald told the Jerusalem Post that thanks for this must go to the "visionary leaders and efforts of millions of Israelis and Arabs" through whom the so-called "Abraham Accords continue to strengthen, making the Middle East — and the world — a safer, more prosperous place."

US inflation highest in 40 years, with no letup in sight

Washington, Feb 11 (AP) Inflation soared over the past year at its highest rate in four decades, hammering American consumers, wiping out pay raises and reinforcing the Federal Reserve's decision to begin raising borrowing rates across the economy.

The Labor Department said Thursday that consumer prices jumped 7.5per cent last month compared with a year earlier, the steepest year-over-year increase since February 1982.

US restores sanctions waiver on Iran nuclear non-proliferation

05 Feb 2022; MEMO: The administration of US president Joe Biden has waived sanctions on Iran's nuclear capabilities, in an attempt to open up the possibility of a settlement on the nuclear deal.

According to media reports, the waiver was revealed by an unnamed State Department official who stressed that it was a necessity for the success of the ongoing nuclear talks in the Austrian capital Vienna.

USA: FBI confirms it bought spyware from Israel's NSO Group

03 Feb 2022; MEMO: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confirmed yesterday that it had purchased the Pegasus spyware, developed by Israel's military spyware firm the NSO Group in 2019, but denied ever using it.

In a statement to the Guardian, the FBI said it purchased the hacking software in order to "stay abreast of emerging technologies and tradecraft."

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