Science & Technology

Photos from Japanese space rovers show asteroid is ... rocky

TOKYO (AP) — New photos taken on the surface of an asteroid show that it is (drum roll, please) ... rocky.

It may be no surprise, but Japan space agency scientists and engineers are thrilled by the images being sent to Earth by two jumping robotic rovers that they dropped onto an asteroid about 280 million kilometers (170 million miles) away.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency posted the latest photos on its website late Thursday. They show slightly tilted close-ups of the rocky surface from different locations.

Russia to create new high accuracy correctable trajectory shell

MOSCOW, September 28. /TASS/. Russia’s research and industrial concern Techmash (an affiliate of Rostech) is working on the concept of a new 152-millimeter correctable trajectory shell for artillery pieces, the concern’s deputy CEO Alexander Kochkin said adding that the project had no name yet.

"Currently we are the drafting terms of reference and image of this new type of ammunition. I reckon we will get down to research and development in the near future. It will be a new 152-millimeter correctable trajectory shell for artillery pieces. The project has no name yet," he said.

Chinese Icebreaker returns after completing Arctic research expedition

SHANGHAI, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- China's research icebreaker Xuelong returned to a base in Shanghai Wednesday after finishing the 9th Arctic research expedition.

The Icebreaker, also known as the Snow Dragon, carrying a research team, spent 69 days on its journey.

Scientists and researchers have conducted a series of investigations into the marine environment, submarine topography, ecology, fishery, sea ice and shipping routes in areas including the Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, Canada Basin and the central Arctic Ocean.

Siberian mathematicians solve rush-hour gridlock mystery

TASS, September 10. Siberian researchers have put together a mathematical model of the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk’s transport network and used it to analyze the city’s traffic. The results of the study will help decrease traffic congestion in the city, the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education’s press service informed.

Turkey’s domestic hybrid locomotive showcased in Berlin

19 Sep 2018; AA: Turkey’s new domestic hybrid locomotive was showcased on Wednesday at a leading international transport technology fair in German capital, a co-production company said.

New locomotive will save 40 percent on fuel with hybrid technology.

In a written statement, Turkish Locomotive and Engine Company Inc (TULOMSAS) said the locomotive was displayed at the International Trade Fair for Transport Technology (InnoTrans) in Berlin.

Soyuz MS-09 authorized for reentry

MOSCOW, September 19. /TASS/. The drilled hole in its hull patched, Russia’s Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft, currently attached to the International Space Station, has been authorized for further flight and re-entry as a rescue capsule, which will take the space crew back to Earth if need be, the manufacturer, space rocket corporation Energia, said after a meeting of the council of chief designers.

"The manned spacecraft Soyuz MS-09 has been authorized for further flight as part of Russia’s segment of the ISS and for being used as a rescue capsule," the company said in a news release.

Scientists reveal how brain combines multiple memories into new insights

WASHINGTON, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- Neuroscientists find how the people's brain combined memories to arrive at novel insights, lending a clue to developing faster artificial intelligence.

The study published on Wednesday in the journal Neuron reported the novel brain mechanism that would allow retrieved memories to trigger the retrieval of further, related memories.

This mechanism allows the retrieval of multiple linked memories, which then enable the brain to create new kinds of insights, according to the study.

China launches twin BeiDou-3 satellites

XICHANG, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- China on Wednesday evening successfully sent twin BeiDou-3 navigation satellites into space on a single carrier rocket.

The Long March-3B carrier rocket lifted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at 10:07 p.m. It was the 285th mission of the Long March rocket series.

The twin satellites are the 37th and 38th editions of the BeiDou navigation system. After a series of tests and evaluations, they will work together with 12 BeiDou-3 satellites already in orbit.

Germany rolls out world's first hydrogen train

Bremervorde, Sep 17 (AFP) Germany on Monday rolled out the world's first hydrogen-powered train, signalling the start of a push to challenge the might of polluting diesel trains with costlier but more eco-friendly technology.

Two bright blue Coradia iLint trains, built by French TGV-maker Alstom, began running a 100-kilometre route between the towns and cities of Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Bremervoerde and Buxtehude in northern Germany -- a stretch normally plied by diesel trains.

Qatar announces plan to produce electric vehicle by 2023

DOHA, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- Qatar has announced plan to produce first Qatari electric cars by 2023, local media reported on Monday.

The Qatari electric vehicles will be manufactured by the factory which will be established at a cost of nine billion U.S. dollars, said "Qatar Tribune" newspaper.

The project will be the first-of-its-kind in the Middle East as it is a whole new brand, said Ali bin Nasser al Misnad, Chairman of the Qatar Quality company, which is responsible for this project.

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