
Pakistan's coronavirus cases reach 3,277

Islamabad, Apr 6 (PTI) The number of the coronavirus cases in Pakistan on Monday reached 3,277 with the infections in the worst-hit Punjab province approaching 1,500 despite government claims that the ongoing lockdown in the country has slowed down the spread of the deadly virus.

Ministry of National Health Services said that 50 patients have so far died of the disease, while 257 people have recovered.

Number Of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases Surpasses 2,000 In Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Apr 1 (NNN-APP) – The total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Pakistan rose to 2,039, with 26 deaths reported across the country, according to the newest data, released on the website of the Health Ministry on Wednesday (today).

The country’s eastern Punjab province and southern Sindh province were the worst-hit areas with 708 and 676 cases respectively, followed by the northwest province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which has 253 cases.

Pakistani Air Force’s Fighter Jet Crashes In Islamabad

ISLAMABAD, Mar 11 (NNN-APP) – A Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighter jet, crashed near Shakarparian, Islamabad. The aircraft was an F-16 fighter jet, according to eyewitness reports. It was engaged in a rehearsal ahead of Pakistan Day.

As per eyewitnesses, the incident occurred at around 11.00 am on Wednesday morning. As for now, rescue teams have arrived at the scene, while police have cordoned off the area. Army helicopters are hovering over the crash spot.

Imran Khan: War in the Middle East will be ‘disastrous’ for Pakistan

18 Jan 2019; MEMO: Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has warned that the Middle East cannot afford a direct military conflict – specifically between Saudi Arabia and Iran – and that such a situation “would be disastrous for Pakistan.”

In an interview with the German newspaper Deutsche Welle yesterday, Khan stressed the neutrality of Pakistan between the two regional rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia, both of which Pakistan has historically had friendly diplomatic, military, and economic relations with.

Pakistan govt denies permission to Maryam Nawaz to travel abroad

Islamabad, Dec 23 (PTI) The Pakistan government has denied permission to PML-N vice president Maryam Nawaz to travel abroad, saying those involved in any economic crime and institutional fraud could not be allowed to leave the country, according to a media report on Monday.

Maryam, the 46-year-old daughter of Pakistan's former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, was placed on the no-fly list in August 2018 in an alleged corruption case.

US envoy for Afghan peace in Pakistan for talks on Taliban

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Washington’s special envoy tasked with finding a negotiated end to Afghanistan’s bloody 17-year-old war met Tuesday with Pakistani officials, and a Taliban official said four members from the group’s political office in the Middle Eastern state of Qatar were also in the Pakistani capital.

But the visit by the Taliban leaders, which included a former Taliban ambassador and a former governor who is also on a United Nations sanctions list, is “private,” the official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

Pak President rules out establishing any kind of ties with Israel

By Sajjad Hussain

Islamabad, Oct 28 (PTI) Pakistan President Arif Alvi on Sunday ruled out establishing any kind of relations with Israel as he strongly rejected reports that an Israeli aircraft carrying some officials secretly landed in Islamabad and flew away after several hours at the airport here.

"Islamabad is not establishing any kind of relations with Israel," Alvi told the media before his departure for Turkey on a three-day official visit in the wee hours of Sunday.

Pakistan: All corrupt leaders in Pak will go to jail: PM Khan

Islamabad, Oct 25; PTI: Promising that all corrupt leaders will go to jail, Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that no politicians and officials who have put Pakistan into the debt trap through their corrupt practices will get protection from any legislation like the defunct National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO).

Imran Khan calls for dialogue to resolve Kashmir issue

By Sajjad Hussain

Islamabad, Oct 22 (PTI) India should move to resolve the Kashmir issue through dialogue, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said Monday.

His remarks came a day after six civilians were killed after an explosive went off at an encounter site in Kulgam district of South Kashmir.

"Strongly condemn the new cycle of killings of innocent Indian security forces," Khan tweeted.

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