Australia & Pacifics

A squeezed hand offers glimmer of hope after New Zealand massacre

18 Mar 2019; AFP: Lying outside a Christchurch mosque, bleeding from a gunshot wound that tore through his chest, Abbas Tahir Endrise was unable to muster any words in what he feared was a final phone call to his pregnant wife.

Now after intensive work by Christchurch doctors, he can breathe for himself and squeeze her hand.

NZ pledges gun control as mosque terrorist sacks his lawyer

18 Mar 2019; AFP: New Zealand will tighten gun laws in the wake of its worst modern-day massacre, the government said Monday, as it emerged that the white supremacist accused of carrying out the killings at two mosques will represent himself in court.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said her coalition was unified on the need to reduce the availability of the kind of weapons used by Brenton Tarrant as he went room to room shooting Muslims gathered for Friday prayers.

Australian hate crimes database gathering support after Christchurch attack

CANBERRA, March 18 (Xinhua) -- Australia's Opposition Leader has backed calls for the creation of a national database of hate crimes following the attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Bill Shorten, leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), told Fairfax Media that the proposal makes perfect sense, saying that hate crimes were often a stepping stone to attacks like that which rocked New Zealand on Friday.

Husband of victim says he forgives NZ mosque terrorist

17 Mar 2019; AFP: A man whose wife was killed in the Christchurch attack as she rushed back into a mosque to rescue him said he harbours no hatred toward the gunman, insisting forgiveness is the best path forward.

"I would say to him 'I love him as a person'," Farid Ahmad told AFP. "I could not accept what he did. What he did was a wrong thing."

Death toll from terror attacks in Christchurch climbs to 50

WELLINGTON, March 17 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from the terror attacks on two mosques in New Zealand's Christchurch has risen to 50 as one more victim was found at one of the shooting scenes, the police said on Sunday.

Investigators found the victim while removing bodies from the Masjid Al Noor Mosque where more than 40 people were killed as a gunman stormed the mosque and went on a shooting rampage on Friday afternoon, Police Commissioner Mike Bush told a press conference.

Bangladesh cricket team leaves New Zealand traumatised after terror attack

Christchurch, Mar 16; PTI/GANASHAKTI : The Bangladesh cricket team Saturday left New Zealand, hours after escaping death by a whisker in the deadliest terror attack in the country's history.

Leaving behind Friday's scary experience in Christchurch, the Bangladesh cricketers were relieved to be boarding the flight back home.

Foreigners among those targeted in New Zealand mosque attack

CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand (AP) — Several of those killed or wounded in the shooting rampage at two New Zealand mosques on Friday were from the Middle East or South Asia, according to initial reports from several governments.

The live-streamed attack by an immigrant-hating white nationalist killed at least 49 people as they gathered for weekly prayers in Christchurch. Another 48 people suffered gunshot wounds in the attacks.

Australia to censure Senator Fraser Anning over 'ugly' New Zealand attack comments

16 Mar 2019; DW: Australia's government plans to censure a far-right senator who claimed Muslim immigration was to blame for the New Zealand mosque attacks. The Islamophobic comments also caught the attention of a teenager with an egg.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced Saturday that the government would censure Senator Fraser Anning over his "appalling" comments about the mosque shootings in southern New Zealand.

A “Hero” saved many lives in Christcurch’s Linwood mosque

Syed Mazharuddin, A survivor of Friday's deadly mass shootings in New Zealand, told New Zealand Herald about how a young guy saved lives of many worshippers in Christcurch’s Linwood mosque.

As reported to the New Zealand Herald, Syed Mazharuddin was praying at the Linwood mosque in Christchurch on Friday around lunchtime when a man wearing protective gear entered and began shooting at men, women and children inside.

Terrorists used modified weapons in New Zealand mosques attack

CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand, March 16 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Saturday that the suspect of the deadly mosque attacks used modified semi-automatic weapons.

She told a press conference that there were still 39 people in hospital, 11 of whom in critical conditions.

The prime minister said the two police officers who arrested Brenton Tarrant, a 28-year-old Australian man, deserved plaudits for their bravery.

Tarrant was charged with murder and appeared in court briefly on Saturday morning.

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