
Australia: Heavy rains, floods prompt evacuations of Sydney suburbs

SYDNEY (AP) — Thousands of residents in Sydney suburbs were told to evacuate their homes on Sunday after heavy rains caused floodwaters to rise and rivers to overflow in what authorities called life-threatening emergencies.

The Bureau of Meteorology issued a severe weather warning for heavy rain and flash floods and winds of up to 90 kilometers (55 miles) per hour along the coast of Australia’s most populous city and other parts of New South Wales state.

Researchers Warn Of Possible “Triple-Dip” La Nina To Hit Australia

SYDNEY, Jun 28 (NNN-AGENCIES) – A report from researchers at a number of top Australian universities, warned of a return of La Nina for the third consecutive year, this spring, and has asked governments to prepare for further intense wet weather.

The report from the Australian Research Council (ARC), published today, showed that, while “double-dip” La Nina seasons, meaning two consecutive summers of La Nina, are not uncommon, the much rarer “triple dip” was becoming likely in modelling.

Australian PM To Meet With Macron In France To “Reset” Relations

CANBERRA, Jun 24 (NNN-AGENCIES) – Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, confirmed he will meet with French President, Emmanuel Macron, in a bid to “reset” relations.

Albanese said last night that, he has accepted Macron’s invitation to visit France.

It comes weeks after Albanese announced his new government had agreed to pay French shipbuilder, Naval Group, around 830 million Australian dollars (about 573 million U.S. dollars) in compensation for a cancelled submarine contract.

China envoy says Australia fired first shot with Huawei ban

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia had fired the “first shot” in its deteriorating relations with China four years ago when the then-government banned Chinese-owned telecommunications giant Huawei from rolling out the country’s 5G network due to security concerns, a Chinese ambassador said on Friday.

Xiao Qian, China’s ambassador to Australia since January, gave a rare public address at University Technology Sydney that was repeatedly interrupted by human rights protesters holding signs that read “Free Tibet” and “Hong Kong independence.”

Australian leader to visit France to fix damaged relations

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Thursday he will meet President Emmanuel Macron in France next week to reset a bilateral relationship that was damaged when the previous Australian government canceled a submarine contract.

Albanese said Macron had invited him to visit France while he is in Europe to attend a NATO summit in Spain.

“We do need to reset. We’ve already had very constructive discussions. We’ve brought to a close the arrangements that were in place over submarines,” Albanese told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

Saudi sisters who fled to Australia found dead in apartment

22 June 2022; MEMO: Two Saudi sisters, who fled the Kingdom five years ago, have been found dead in their apartment in Australia earlier this month.

According to the news outlet, Daily Mail Australia, the women – aged 23 and 24 – were found dead in their apartment in Sydney's Canterbury suburb on 7 June by police, who were conducting a welfare check after the two failed to pay their monthly rent and mail piled up at their front door.

Eye signals could help detect neurological disorders: Aussie study

CANBERRA, June 18 (Xinhua/APP): Recordings of the eye could be used to detect neurodevelopmental disorders, an Australian research has found.

In a world-first study published on Friday, researchers from the University of South Australia (UniSA) and Flinders University revealed that recordings of the retina can detect signals for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Devastating Banana Disease Found In Northern Australia

CANBERRA, Jun 17 (NNN-AGENCIES) – A potentially devastating banana disease, has been found in northern Australia, prompting concerns for the local industry.

Banana freckle disease, Phyllosticta cavendishii, has been found in the Northern Territory (NT). It is the first outbreak of the fungal disease since Australia was declared free of it in 2019.

Banana freckle disease causes spots to form on cavendish banana plants and their fruit. The fruit remains safe and edible but fungus inhibits the plant’s ability to photosynthesise, reducing productivity.

Australian minister visits Solomons to counter China

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia’s new foreign minister visited the Solomon Islands on Friday to assure the South Pacific island nation it does not need a security pact with China.

The Solomons is the fifth Pacific nation that Foreign Minister Penny Wong has visited since her center-left Labor Party came to power in May 21 elections.

Australia commits to reducing greenhouse emissions by 43%

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia’s new government on Thursday formally committed to a more ambitious greenhouse gas reduction target of 43% by the end of the decade in fulfillment of a key election pledge.

The previous conservative government was dumped by voters at the May 21 election after it stuck to a seven-year-old pledge to reduce Australia’s emissions by only 26% to 28% below 2005 levels by 2030.

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