
Business & Economy

India: Exports dip 1.8 pc in Dec 2019

New Delhi, Jan 15 (PTI) The country's exports contracted for the fifth month in a row by 1.8 per cent in December 2019 to USD 27.36 billion, according to data released by the commerce ministry on Wednesday.

Imports too declined by 8.83 per cent USD 38.61 billion, bringing down the trade deficit to USD 11.25 billion during the month under review.

The trade deficit during December 2018 was USD 14.49 billion.

India: Budget Session of Parliament to commence on Jan 31

New Delhi, Jan 15 (PTI) The Budget Session of Parliament will commence on January 31 and subject to the exigencies of government business, is likely to conclude on April 3 with a recess in between, an official communication said on Wednesday.

President Ram Nath Kovind will address a joint sitting of both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha in the central hall of Parliament at 11 am on January 31.

Brazil Makes Strides Towards OECD Membership: Bolsonaro

BRASILIA, Jan 16 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) – Brazil made significant progress, in meeting the requisites to become a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, said.

The government, said Bolsonaro, will continue to strive to meet the demands of the organisation.

Brazil’s membership depends on how the country adopts recommendations established by the OECD.

The United States on Tuesday announced, it plans to recommend Brazil, to be the next country to be accepted as a full member.

Israel starts gas exports through Egypt

15 Jan 2019; MEMO: Israel began pumping natural gas to Egypt for the first time today under a $15 billion, 15-year deal to liquefy and re-export the gas to Europe, Reuters reported.

Tel Aviv and Cairo’s energy ministries issued a rare joint statement announcing the implementation of the estimated $19.5 billion deal to pump gas from two offshore gas fields.

Turkey ban on Wikipedia set to be lifted after court ruling issued

15 Jan 2019; MEMO: Turkey’s ban on online encyclopedia Wikipedia is set to be lifted after the official publication on Wednesday of a Constitutional Court ruling that the more than two-year block was a violation of freedom of expression, reports Reuters.

The detailed version of the ruling published in the Official Gazette opens the way for an end to the ban, put in place in April 2017 due to entries that accused Turkey of having links to terrorist organisations.

India: Another bank sinking - RBI caps withdrawal limit - panicked depositors rush

Bengaluru, Jan 14 (PTI) Panic stricken depositors milled around the Sri Guru Raghavendra Cooperative Bank here on Tuesday to withdraw their money, days after the Reserve Bank of India capped the withdrawal limit to Rs 35,000.

The depositors, mostly senior citizens, were concerned about their money deposited in the bank and worried as to how long it might take for the situation to get resolved.

US removes currency manipulator label on China ahead of inking of trade deal

Washington/Beijing, Jan 14 (PTI) The US has reversed its decision to brand China a "currency manipulator" as the world's two major economies prepare to conclude a "phase one" deal on Wednesday to end their bruising trade war.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly accused China of allowing the value of the yuan to fall, making Chinese goods cheaper. The US officially named China a currency manipulator in August last year when trade tensions were high between Beijing and Washington.

Iranian foreign minister arrives on 3-day India visit

New Delhi, Jan 14 (PTI) Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif arrived here on Tuesday on a three-day visit to India in the midst of spiralling tension between his country and the US.

On Wednesday, he will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and also deliver a lecture at the Raisina Dialogue, the External Affairs Ministry's flagship annual conference.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar will hold talks with Zarif on Thursday morning over breakfast, according to the ministry.

India: Over 5000 vehicles stranded as JK highway remains shut

Jammu, Jan 15 (PTI) Fresh landslides kept the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway shut for the third consecutive day on Wednesday, leaving over 5000 vehicles stranded.

"There were four fresh landslides in Digdol and Panthiyal belts on highway in Ramban district. The traffic on the highway remained closed for the third day today", a police officer told PTI.

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