Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Oil output fully restored after attacks

3 Oct 2019; MEMO: Saudi Arabia has fully restored oil output after attacks on its facilities last month and is now focusing on the listing of its energy giant Saudi Aramco, Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz Bin Salman said.

The kingdom’s current oil production capacity stands at 11.3 million barrels per day, he told an energy conference in Moscow today.

Growing ‘resentment’ against Saudi crown prince in royal circles

3 Oct 2019; MEMO: A growing number of Saudi royal family members and business elites are expressing frustration over Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s leadership, following the disruptive and costly attacks on the kingdom’s Aramco oil facilities last month.

According to Reuters, a senior foreign diplomat and five sources with ties to the royals and business leaders disclosed the claims anonymously.

Saudi Arabia understands India's approach and actions in Kashmir

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman told Indian National Security Adviser Ajit Doval that he understands "India's approach and actions in Jammu and Kashmir".

Message was communicated during a 2 hour meeting between Doval and Prince Salman in Riyadh on Wednesday, sources told ANI.

Saudi: Last session of Salman Ouda’s trial could be Thursday

2 Oct 2019; MEMO: Abdullah Al-Ouda, son of the famous Saudi preacher Salman, expects the last session of his father’s trial to be held tomorrow, Arabi21 reported.

On Twitter, Abdullah said that the Riyadh Court decided to hold a hearing for his father tomorrow, expecting that it would be the last session.

The court cases again Al-Ouda began in July last year.

‘Help us take control of Middle East so that we can normalize with Israel’: Bin Salman

30 Sep 2019; MEMO: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has vowed to recognise and normalise trade with Israel if the United States helps him “defeat Iran and take control of the Middle East.”

These statements, which were revealed by a documentary presented by PBS network, on Saturday, in the TV programme Frontline, were made by Bin Salman in a meeting with US President Donald Trump during his famous visit to Riyadh in May 2017.

Saudi-led coalition denies Houthi claims of capturing troops

1 Oct 2019; MEMO: The Saudi-led coalition fighting against Yemen’s Houthis has dismissed claims made by the movement that it captured thousands of troops fighting on behalf of Saudi Arabia during a cross border raid in the Najran province which allegedly took place in August – although news outlets reported the incident as having taken place last week.

Saudi Arabia credit rating downgraded by prominent ratings agency

1 Oct 2019; MEMO: Saudi Arabia’s economic prospect has been hit with more bad news after the kingdom was downgrading by Fitch Ratings. The agency, considered one of the largest ratings firms in the world, lowered Riyad’s rating from A+ to A citing vulnerabilities in the kingdom’s economic infrastructure, diminishing financial reserves, deteriorating balance sheets and rising government debt.

Saudi king’s bodyguard killed in Jeddah

29 Sep 2019; MEMO: The personal bodyguard of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz has been killed, according to local media on Sunday.

State-run Al Ekhbariya TV reported that Major General Abdulaziz al-Fagham was shot during a personal dispute in Jeddah. Al-Fagham was killed in the Red Sea port city of Jeddah, where the government relocates for the summer months, the broadcaster said. It did not say when the incident occurred or where exactly it took place.

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