
Iran steps away from parts of nuclear deal

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s president says the Islamic Republic will keep its excess enriched uranium and heavy water, setting a 60-day deadline for new terms for its nuclear deal.

Hassan Rouhani said Wednesday that if that deadline passes without better terms, Iran will begin higher enrichment of uranium.

He made the comments in a live address on Wednesday, the anniversary of President Donald Trump pulling America out of the accord.

Iran vows to defeat U.S. through "unity, resistance"

TEHRAN, May 4 (Xinhua): Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday said that Iran will "defeat" the United States through unity of the nation, official IRNA news agency reported.

"We should solidify our unity and strengthen hope in (the Iranian) society," Rouhani was quoted as saying.

The United States aims to "disappoint the Iranians and sow discord between the people and the government by exerting the sanction pressures," he said.

Iran says not to surrender to U.S. pressures

TEHRAN, May 2 (Xinhua): Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Thursday that Iran will never bow to the U.S. anti-Iran pressures, Press TV reported.

"We will find a way (to deal with the U.S. pressures). We have done that for 40 years, and will do that now too," Zarif said in Qatari capital Doha on Thursday.

Zarif, who attended the 16th ministerial meeting of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue in Doha, warned about the "existential threat" that the U.S. unilateralism poses to the international community.

Iran happy Venezuelans 'defeated coup'

Doha, May 1 (AFP) Iran expressed renewed support for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Wednesday, as the opposition called for a huge May Day protest after armed clashes erupted in the capital Caracas.

Maduro said he had defeated an attempted coup on Tuesday night led by his opponent, self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido.

Iran oil tanker breaks down in Red Sea off Saudi coast

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — An Iranian oil tanker carrying over 1 million barrels of fuel oil suffered a malfunction in the Red Sea off the coast of Saudi Arabia, authorities said Thursday, raising concerns that the vessel could be leaking.

The incident involving the Happiness I came as U.S. oil exemptions for Iranian crude oil purchases expired, part of President Donald Trump’s maximalist approach against Tehran.

Iran mulls withdrawing from nuclear weapons treaty

TASS, April 28. Iran is considering plans of leaving the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as one of the options of responding to tightening US sanctions against the Islamic republic, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told state television, according to the Mehr news agency.

"The Islamic Republic’s choices are numerous, and the officials are studying them…leaving NPT is one of them," Zarif said on Sunday.

Washington restored sanctions against Iran, including the ban on oil purchases, in November 2018.

Iran denies requiring U.S., Saudi Arabia to negotiate

TEHRAN, April 27 (Xinhua) -- Iran's Foreign Ministry on Saturday denied that it had requested the United States and Saudi Arabia to negotiate over disputed issues.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi dismissed in a statement the recent western media's reports that Iran has made request for talks with the United States.

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