Indian Sub-continent

Suicide attack kills three NATO soldiers in Afghanistan: official

5 Aug 2018; AFP; A suicide attack claimed by the Taliban killed three foreign soldiers on patrol in eastern Afghanistan on Sunday, the deadliest assault on US-led NATO troops for many months.

"Three Resolute Support service members were killed by a suicide bomber during a combined, dismounted patrol with Afghan forces in eastern Afghanistan," NATO's Resolute Support mission said in a statement.

A US member of the patrol and two Afghan soldiers were wounded, it said, without giving the nationality of those killed.

SC expresses displeasure over non-appointment of board of visitors for jails by states

New Delhi, Aug 5 (PTI) The Supreme Court has expressed its displeasure that several states have not yet appointed the board of visitors who regularly inspect prisons to ensure that they are being run in accordance with rules.

While terming the appointment of board of visitors "an absolute necessity", a bench comprising Justices Madan B Lokur and Deepak Gupta wondered as to why states were not following the model prison manual which was prepared by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Magnitude 7 earthquake rocks Indonesia's Lombok island: USGS

Jakarta, Aug 5 (AFP) A major earthquake rocked Indonesia's Lombok island today, just a week after a quake had killed 17 people on the holiday island, sending people running from their homes and triggering a tsunami alert.

The latest quake had a magnitude of seven and struck just 10 km underground according to the US Geological Survey.

Officials issued a tsunami warning and urged people to move away from the ocean.

Bangladesh PM urges protesting students to return home

By Anisur Rahman

Dhaka, Aug 5 (PTI) Thousands of angry school students in Bangladesh continued their protest for the eighth consecutive day today, demanding a crackdown on reckless driving even as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged them to return home, saying that vested quarters have infiltrated the campaign.

The protest brought the capital city to a standstill, blocking major intersections compelling the bus operators to suspend their services citing security reasons and exposing commuters in Dhaka to extreme difficulties.

BJP govts at Centre, Maha fooling people: Raj Thackeray

Mumbai, Aug 5 (PTI) Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray today lashed out at the BJP-led governments at the Centre and in Maharashtra, saying they were "fooling people".

Addressing members of MNS' civic unions, he said the governments were announcing schemes worth several "crores and crores of rupees" on a daily basis despite having no money to fill the existing vacancies in various government departments.

Six Kashmiris killed in J&K by Indian security forces

Srinagar, 4 Aug 2018; Five separatists have been killed by Indian security forces in Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir.

The killed separatists are all all locals and have been identified as Umer Nazir Malik, Waqar Ahmad Sheikh, Aijaz Ahmad Paul, Arshad Ahmad Khan and Arif Ahmad Mir.

According to PTI, “Hundreds of protestors assembled near the encounter site in Kiloora and started pelting stones at the security forces, the police official said.”

Russian climber rescued in Pakistan airlifted to Moscow

MOSCOW, August 4. /TASS/. The Russian mountaineer Alexander Gukov, who was rescued in Pakistan after a six-day ordeal, has been airlifted to Moscow aboard a Sukhoi Superjet 100 plane of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, the ministry’s press service told TASS on Saturday.

"The Russian Emergencies Ministry has completed the sanitary evacuation from Islamabad to Moscow by air of the injured Russian climber, who spent nearly a week on the slope of Latok 1 mountain in Pakistan," the spokesperson said.

JKDYF holds protest demonstration in favour of Article 35A

From India News Network (INN)

Srinagar, August 4: Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Youth Federation (JKDYF) held a protest demonstration in Srinagar led by its President Wahid Sultan and General Secretary Abdul Rashid Itoo. Hundreds of JKDYF activists carrying banners and placards, shouted slogans in favour of Article 35A at Press Colony Srinagar.

Don't get swayed away by infighting: CJI Misra to budding lawyers, judges

New Delhi, Aug 4 (PTI) Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra today asked budding lawyers and judges not to get swayed away by infighting and distractions that come their way and suggested them to deal with such situations courageously.

He was addressing law students at the sixth convocation of the National Law University here.

"You are required to develop an attitude not to get swayed away by the infighting and distractions that come your way. Remain firm and courageous," CJI Misra told the students.

Ishrat fake encounter case: Order on two ex-cops' likely on Aug 7

Ahmedabad, Aug 4 (PTI) A special CBI court, hearing the discharge applications of former police officers D G Vanzara and N K Amin in Ishrat Jahan alleged fake encounter case, is likely to pass its order on August 7.

Special CBI court Judge J K Pandya said the order, which was listed for today, will be passed on Tuesday.

The court had last month concluded hearing arguments of the two accused retired police officers, the CBI and Ishrat's mother Shamima Kauser, who had challenged Vanzara's discharge plea.

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