
Transnistria’s Interior Ministry confirms attempted terror act involving drone

CHISINAU, May 3. /TASS/: The Interior Ministry of self-proclaimed Transnistria has confirmed there was an attempt to stage a terrorist attack in the village of Mayak with a drone loaded with explosives.

"There was an attempt at a terrorist attack in the community of Mayak. Since last week’s explosions of antennas the TV and radio center’s security has been tightened. Last night, while patrolling the territory of the Transnistrian television and radio center border guards spotted a drone. It was neutralized," the Interior Ministry said on its Telegram channel.

Russia’s daily COVID-19 cases rise by 5,466, lowest since September 2020 - crisis center

MOSCOW, May 3. /TASS/: Russia’s COVID-19 case tally rose by 5,466 over the past day to 18,201,074, the anti-coronavirus crisis center reported on Tuesday.

In relative terms, the growth rate reached 0.03% and in absolute terms, this is the lowest increase since September 13, 2020.

As many as 1,441 people were hospitalized with COVID-19 in Russia over the past day, up 25.1% from a day earlier. The number of hospitalized patients decreased in 28 regions, while in 45 regions the figure increased.

Putin signs decree on Russia’s new tit-for-tat sanctions

MOSCOW, May 3. /TASS/: Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on using new special retaliatory economic measures over unfriendly actions by some foreign states and international organizations. In particular, the document published on the official portal of legal information prohibits fulfilling obligations and concluding deals with foreign individuals and legal entities under the retaliatory restrictive measures as well as exporting raw materials and products from Russia in the interests of these individuals.

Putin tells Macron Russia is ready to continue dialogue with Kiev - Kremlin

MOSCOW, May 3. /TASS/: Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a telephone conversation with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday that despite Kiev’s unpreparedness for serious work Russia remained open to a dialogue, the Kremlin’s press service has said.

"The Russian president explained the fundamental approach to negotiations with the Ukrainian representatives. In particular, he stressed that despite Kiev’s inconsistency and unpreparedness for serious work Russia remained open to a dialogue," the Kremlin said.

Ukraine formally closes seaports captured by Russia

KYIV, May 2 (Reuters) - Ukraine has formally closed its four Black and Azov sea ports, which Russian forces have captured, the Ukrainian agriculture ministry said on Monday.

The Azov Sea ports of Mariupol, Berdiansk and Skadovsk and the Black Sea port of Kherson were closed "until the restoration of control", the ministry said in a statement.

"The adoption of this measure is caused by the impossibility of servicing ships and passengers, carrying out cargo, transport and other related economic activities, ensuring the appropriate level of safety of navigation," it said.

Russia unleashes rockets after Mariupol ceasefire, EU eyes oil sanctions

ZAPORIZHZHIA, Ukraine, May 3 (Reuters) - Russia launched an attack on the encircled Azovstal steel works in Mariupol, Ukraine's last redoubt in the port city, after a ceasefire broke down on Tuesday with some 200 civilians trapped underground despite a U.N.-brokered evacuation.

In a Telegram video, Captain Sviatoslav Palamar of Ukraine's Azov Regiment said that Russia pounded the steel works with naval and barrel artillery through the night and dropped heavy bombs from planes.

Russia says Israel supports neo-Nazis in row over Ukraine

May 3 (Reuters) - Russia's foreign ministry accused Israel on Tuesday of supporting neo-Nazis in Ukraine, escalating a row that began when Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov claimed Adolf Hitler had Jewish origins.

Israel said on Monday Lavrov's comment was an "unforgivable" falsehood that tried to minimise the horrors of the Holocaust - the slaughter of 6 million European Jews and other minority groupsby Nazi Germany. 

UK: Putin puts West on notice: Moscow can terminate exports and deals

LONDON, May 3 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin put the West on notice on Tuesday that he could terminate exports and deals, the Kremlin's toughest response yet to the sanctions burden imposed by the United States and allies over the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Putin, Russia's paramount leader since 1999, signed a broad decree on Tuesday which forbade the export of products and raw materials to people and entities on a sanctions list that he instructed the government to draw up within 10 days.

Newly-elected Hungarian parliament holds first session

BUDAPEST, May 2 (Xinhua) -- The recently elected Hungarian parliament held its first session here on Monday, electing its key officials.

Laszlo Kover, a founding member of the governing Fidesz party, was re-elected Speaker of the parliament. He was first elected to the position in 2010 and re-elected in 2014 and 2018.

The parliament also elected six deputy speakers.

President Janos Ader opened the new parliament for the third and last time, as his mandate will expire in a few days and he will be replaced by Katalin Novak, Hungary's first female president.

Italy lowers fuel taxes to help tackle surging prices

ROME, May 2 (Xinhua) -- Italy's government on Monday adopted a decree that eliminates excise taxes on some forms of natural gas and methane to help tackle surging energy prices due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

According to a statement from the office of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, excise taxes on gasoline, diesel fuel, liquified petroleum gas, and all forms of natural gas will be lowered starting Tuesday, until at least July 8.

For natural gas used for transport, excise taxes will be removed while value-added tax will be five percent.

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