
Belgium: Neo-Nazis are still on Facebook. And they’re making money

BRUSSELS (AP) — It’s the premier martial arts group in Europe for right-wing extremists. German authorities have twice banned their signature tournament. But Kampf der Nibelungen, or Battle of the Nibelungs, still thrives on Facebook, where organizers maintain multiple pages, as well as on Instagram and YouTube, which they use to spread their ideology, draw in recruits and make money through ticket sales and branded merchandise.

Number of first time asylum seekers in EU doubles

24 Sep 2021; MEMO: The number of first-time asylum seekers to the European Union has more than doubled over the spring months, Reuters said a report released today by the bloc's statistics office revealed.

Nearly 103,900 first-time asylum seekers applied for international protection in EU countries between April and June of this year, according to Eurostat, up 115 per cent compared to the same period of 2020.

Belgium: World's youth return to the streets to fight climate change

BRUSSELS, Sept 24 (Reuters) - Young people around the world began taking to the streets on Friday to demand urgent action to avert disastrous climate change, in their largest protest since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The strike takes place five weeks before the U.N. COP26 summit, which aims to secure more ambitious climate action from world leaders to drastically cut the greenhouse gas emissions heating the planet.

First EU-U.S.Trade and Tech Council meeting in limbo

BRUSSELS, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) -- The first meeting of the Trade and Technology Council (TTC), set up by the United States and the European Union (EU) during their summit in June to coordinate approaches to key global trade, economic and technology issues, remains suspended despite signs of reconciliation in transatlantic relations, according to an EU spokesperson.

EU countries struggle to agree approach to COP26 climate talks

BRUSSELS, Sept 23 (Reuters) - European Union countries are struggling to agree their negotiating position for the COP26 climate change conference, with rifts emerging over timeframes for emissions-cutting pledges, according to officials and documents seen by Reuters.

The EU is drafting its position ahead of the November COP26 talks, where countries will attempt to finish the technical rules to put the Paris Agreement into effect.

One issue they will try to settle is whether countries' climate targets under the 2015 accord should follow a "common timeframe".

Poland must pay 500,000 euros daily for ignoring EU court ruling on Turow

BRUSSELS, Sept 20 (Reuters) - Poland will have to pay a 500,000 euro ($585,550) daily penalty to the European Commission for defying an earlier court order to halt operations at its Turow open-pit lignite mine, Europe's top court said on Monday.

The order, which a Polish deputy minister called "aggression," comes amid a dragging dispute between coal-reliant Poland and the Czech Republic.

EU foreign ministers to discuss submarine dispute on Monday

Sept 20 (Reuters) - European Union foreign ministers will on Monday discuss Australia's scrapping of a $40 billion submarine order with France, a move that has enraged Paris and cast a shadow over free trade talks between the EU and Australia.

The meeting will take place on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York at 2200 GMT, a spokesperson for the European Commission told reporters in Brussels.

European Parliament’s attempts to lecture Russian people are insulting - envoy

BRUSSELS, September 19. /TASS/: European Parliament’s (EP) attempts to lecture the Russian people are being perceived as an insult to its intelligence and its ability to think independently, Russian Permanent Representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov told journalists, commenting on the recent EP resolution on Russia Sunday. He also underscored that EU countries could learn how to organize elections and ensure their transparency from Russia.

Same goal, different paths: US, EU seek max vaccine rates

BRUSSELS (AP) — The Belgian town of Aarschot has a vaccination rate of 94% of all adults, but Mayor Gwendolyn Rutten worries her town is too close for comfort to the capital of Brussels, where the rate stands at 63%. But there’s not much she can do about it.

Her hope is that the government mandates vaccination. “Otherwise, you drag all others back into danger,” Rutten said in a recent interview.

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