
Afghanistan: Taliban, Ghani declare three-day ceasefire for Eid holiday

Islamabad, May 24 (AP/PTI) The Taliban and Afghanistan's president announced late Saturday a three-day ceasefire ahead of a major Islamic holiday that begins Sunday to mark the end of the Islamic fasting month of Ramzan.

The Taliban order, which was soon followed by an announcement via Twitter from Afghan President Ashraf Ghani announcing the government "extends the offer of peace", comes just days after US peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad was in Kabul and Doha.

Afghan forces kill Taliban key commander in northern Kunduz province

KUNDUZ, Afghanistan, May 23 (Xinhua) -- The Afghan security forces have killed Taliban key commander Habibullah Nasiri in the northern Kunduz province, a senior police official said on Saturday.

"The notorious Habibullah Nasiri, who was involved in conducting terrorist attacks including target killings and served as the Taliban commander for the provincial capital Kunduz city, was killed Saturday," Shir Mohammad Parsa told Xinhua.

According to the official, the elimination of commander Nasiri could prove a major setback to the Taliban militants in Kunduz province.

U.S. envoy meets Afghan president and former rival Abdullah in push for peace

KABUL (Reuters) - The United States’ special envoy for Afghanistan on Wednesday met Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and his former rival Abdullah Abdullah, to discuss progress towards a peace deal with the insurgent Taliban.

The meeting was the first between the three men since Ghani and Abdullah ended a months-long political impasse in which both claimed to be Afghanistan’s rightful leader.

UN: Civilian deaths by Taliban and Afghan forces on the rise

Kabul, May 19 (AP) The United Nations on Tuesday called for an immediate reduction of violence in Afghanistan, warning that civilian deaths by both the Taliban and Afghan security forces are on the increase.

The UN mission also expressed concern about stepped-up attacks and brutality of the Islamic State group.

Afghanistan: Rival leaders Ghani and Abdullah in power-sharing deal

KABUL, May 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani and his rival Dr Abdullah Abdullah have signed a power-sharing deal, ending months of political uncertainty.

Ghani will stay on as president while both men will choose an equal number of ministers.

Abdullah will lead peace talks with the Taliban, should they get under way.

It is hoped the deal in the capital Kabul will help to maintain the balance of power that existed before last year’s disputed presidential election.

Official: Suicide bomber in eastern Afghanistan kills 5

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A suicide bomber using a stolen military Humvee targeted an intelligence service base in eastern Afghanistan early Monday, killing at least five personnel, a provincial official said on Monday.

Arif Noori, spokesman for the provincial governor in eastern Ghazni province, said at least 40 intelligence forces were wounded in the attack near Ghazni city, the capital of the province. A number of the wounded are in critical condition, he added.

Afghan President Ghani and rival Abdullah sign power-sharing deal

KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and his rival Abdullah Abdullah signed a power-sharing deal to end a months-long political stalemate that has hampered progress towards peace, Ghani’s spokesman said on Sunday.

“The Political Agreement between President Ghani and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah has just been signed,” spokesman Sediq Sediqqi said on Twitter, adding that Abdullah would lead the council for peace talks and his team members would be included in cabinet.

Afghan hospital attackers 'came to kill mothers': MSF

15 May 2020; AFP: Gunmen who stormed a hospital in the Afghan capital this week had come to "kill the mothers" at the maternity ward, medical charity Doctors Without Borders has said.

At least 24 people were killed -- including newborns, mothers and nurses -- when three armed men rampaged through the maternity ward of the hospital in Kabul on Tuesday, in an attack that sparked international outrage.

The United States later said the deadly assault was carried out by the Islamic State group.

Death Toll Of Two Deadly Attacks In Afghanistan Rises

KABUL, May 14 (NNN-AGENCIES) – The number of people affected in two deadly terrorist attacks in Afghanistan on Tuesday has risen, reported local media Tolo News TV on Wednesday.

In one attack, 24 civilians were killed and 16 others injured, after three terrorists attacked a maternal hospital in western part of the country’s capital Kabul, said the report, quoting a Public Health Ministry source.

Earlier reports suggested that 14 civilians were killed and 15 others injured.

Truck bomb in eastern Afghan city kills five, Taliban claim responsibility

JALALABAD/KABUL (Reuters) - A truck packed with explosives blew up near a court in the eastern Afghan city of Gardez on Thursday, killing at least five people in an attack claimed by Taliban insurgents.

The explosion comes two days after at least 56 people were killed in attacks elsewhere in the country, including women and newborn babies, dealing a setback to peace plans in the war-ravaged nation.

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