
Germany's election-winning party leader says to seek "traffic-light" coalition

BERLIN, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- Olaf Scholz, the chancellor candidate of German center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD), said here on Monday that he would seek to form a so-called "traffic-light" coalition with the Green Party and Free Democratic Party (FDP) after the SPD had won the nail-biting general election on Sunday.

Germany embarks on tricky search for post-Merkel government

BERLIN (AP) — Germany is embarking on a potentially lengthy search for its next government after the center-left Social Democrats narrowly beat outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right bloc in an election that failed to set a clear direction for Europe’s biggest economy under a new leader.

Leaders of the parties in the newly elected parliament were meeting Monday to digest a result that saw Merkel’s Union bloc slump to its worst-ever result in a national election, and appeared to put the keys to power in the hands of two opposition parties.

Closely fought German election ushers in post-Merkel era

BERLIN (AP) — German voters are choosing a new parliament in an election that will determine who succeeds Chancellor Angela Merkel after her 16 years at the helm of Europe’s biggest economy.

Polls point to a very close race Sunday between Merkel’s center-right Union bloc, with state governor Armin Laschet running for chancellor, and the center-left Social Democrats, for whom outgoing finance minister and Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz is seeking the top job.

German election to set direction after 16 years under Merkel

BERLIN (AP) — Germany’s closely fought election on Sunday will set the direction of the European Union’s most populous country after 16 years under Angela Merkel, whose party is scrambling to avoid defeat by its center-left rivals after a rollercoaster campaign. The environmentalist Greens also are eyeing at least a share of power.

German parties rally supporters ahead of Sunday election

BERLIN (AP) — Germany’s political parties prepared to rally their supporters and win over undecided voters Friday, two days before a national election that will determine who succeeds Chancellor Angela Merkel after 16 years in power.

Merkel’s center-right Union bloc, with Armin Laschet as its candidate for chancellorship, has made small gains in the polls in recent weeks. But it remains narrowly behind the center-left Social Democrats, headed by Finance Minister Olaf Scholz.

SPD's Scholz offers steel sector help as German election race tightens

DUISBURG, Germany, Sept 23 (Reuters) - German Social Democrat (SPD) candidate for chancellor Olaf Scholz promised on Thursday to help the steel industry convert to climate-friendly production if his party, clinging to a narrow lead in polls, wins Sunday's federal election.

Trying to shore up support in the industrial heartland of the Ruhr, Scholz campaigned at a steel plant as a poll showed support for the SPD down one point at 25%, its lead over Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives now just four points.

Germany’s diversity shows as immigrants run for parliament

BERLIN (AP) — Ana-Maria Trasnea was 13 when she emigrated from Romania because her single, working mother believed she would have a better future in Germany. Now 27, she is running for a seat in parliament.

“It was hard in Germany in the beginning,” Trasnea said in an interview with The Associated Press. “But I was ambitious and realized that this was an opportunity for me, so I decided to do whatever I can to get respect and integrate.”

Covid-19: Germany to offer vaccines to children in early 2022 – health minister

BERLIN, Sept 21 (NNN-Xinhua) — Germany would likely offer COVID-19 vaccines to children under 12 in early 2022, Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn said.

Spahn said he expected authorization to use the vaccine in this age group to come in the first quarter of next year. “Then we could also protect the younger ones even better,” he told the newspapers of the Funke Mediengruppe.

German Social Democrats' lead narrows days before election

BERLIN, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Germany's Social Democrats (SPD) saw their lead over Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives narrow in a poll published on Tuesday, pointing to a tightening race just five days before a federal election.

The SPD, whose candidate for chancellor Olaf Scholz is currently vice chancellor and finance minister in Merkel's grand coalition, remained stable at 25%, according to the Forsa poll for RTL/n-tv television.

Support for the conservative CDU/CSU alliance, whose chancellor candidate is Armin Laschet, edged up one percentage point to 22%.

Germany's Laschet under pressure as final election debate nears

BERLIN, Sept 19 (Reuters) - The conservative candidate aiming to succeed German Chancellor Angela Merkel remained under pressure on Sunday ahead of a televised election debate that will be one of his last chances to catch up with Social-Democrat rival Olaf Scholz.

The latest INSA poll for Bild am Sonntag puts the Social Democrats (SPD) at 26% support, stable from a week ago, while the conservative bloc of Merkel's centre-right Christian Democratic Union and its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union, added half a percentage point to come in at 21%.

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