Hostilities in Ukraine have been going on since 2014, Russia seeks to end them — Putin

Vladimir Putin

MOSCOW, February 9. /TASS/: Russia did not begin hostilities in Ukraine, but it is trying to stop them, as hostilities have been going on since 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with aviation industry representatives Thursday.

"I would like to say it one more time: we did not start any hostilities, we are trying to end them. These hostilities were started by Ukrainian nationalists and those who supported them in 2014, when the coup took place; that is how it all began, the events in Crimea and in Donbass followed after that," the head of state said.

Putin pointed out that Kiev started the war against Donbass in 2014, and, in violation of all agreements and obligations, effectively blockaded the Donbass regions.

"Heavy military vehicles were used against them, major military operations were carried out against them," the head of state noted. "This is when they started the war. It lasted for eight years and aimed to exterminate the people who live there and feel themselves tied to Russia, Russian culture and the Russian language by blood. How long could we have kept tolerating it?"

The President also thanked the participants of the meeting for their support of the special military operation.