Arab League, Egypt condemn deadly Israeli raid in West Bank

Ahmed Aboul Gheit

CAIRO, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Thursday condemned in the strongest terms an Israeli raid on Jenin city and Jenin refugee camp that killed at least nine Palestinians.

Aboul Gheit follows the development in the occupied territories with great concern and calls for the international community to protect the Palestinian people, said an Arab League statement.

The state of indifference encourages the occupying forces to commit more crimes under the leadership of a government with hardline plans, he added.

Meanwhile, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the raids on the Palestinian cities, which threaten the security in the West Bank, must stop immediately.

The ministry warned against the dangerous repercussions of such assaults on the security and stability of the occupied territories.

Earlier in the day, Israeli soldiers killed at least nine Palestinians, including an elderly woman, and injured 20 others, four of whom are in critical conditions, in the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.