EU renews objection to Israeli settlement, house demolitions in occupied palestine

Janiz Lenarcic

12 Jan 2023; MEMO: The European Union yesterday reaffirmed its opposition to Israeli settlements and demolitions of Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank, a statement said.

The EU's Crisis Management Commissioner, Janiz Lenarcic, said that the body constantly reiterates its strong opposition to the Israeli settlement policy and the illegal measures taken in this context.

He indicated that the EU has repeatedly reminded Israel of the need to fulfill its obligations under international law, especially international humanitarian law, towards the Palestinian population in the occupied West Bank, including Area C and East Jerusalem.

"On several occasions, we have asked Israel to return or compensate EU-financed assets that Israel demolished, dismantled or confiscated," Lenarcic said.

The Israeli occupation authorities regularly demolish Palestinian facilities and prohibit construction in Area C, which makes up about two thirds of the occupied territories.

The number of settlers in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, reached 726,427, distributed over 176 illegal settlements and 186 illegal outposts, ten of which were established during 2022.