Moscow does not take to heart European Parliament’s resolution - Kremlin spokesman

Spokesman Dmitry Peskov

MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/: The European Parliament’s resolution recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism is not legally binding, Moscow does not take such decisions to heart, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the "Moscow. Kremlin. Putin" program on Rossiya-1 TV channel on Sunday.

"The European Parliament is the kind of organization that rather bases its work on emotions, on an emotional approach," the spokesman said. "Of course, it's no secret to us that in the recent years the European Parliament has had little love for us. In return, we have had little desire to take into account what's going on there," and to take it very much to heart, Peskov stressed.

"The situation when such blatant Russophobia and hatred towards Russia are just running over. But this does not have any legally binding nature. That is how it should be treated," the Kremlin spokesman explained in a conversation with journalist Pavel Zarubin.

The Russian side sees "a huge lack of professional approach and a huge lack of professionalism" in the European Parliament, he went on to say. "And emotions is such a changeable thing. Today they are Russophobic, tomorrow there will be something else. And then, maybe a moment of clarity will come," he summed up.